Ordinance 0710 - Creates an Airport Improvement Fund17 ORDINANCE N0. 710 AN? ORDINANCE CREATING AN AIRPORT IMPROVEMEV FUND, ANT) PROVIMNG FOR TWO CENTS ($.02) GASOLINE 'PAX ON ALL FUEL SOLD AND DISPENSED AT THE CITY AIRPORT. BE IT ORDAINED BY "C1TF CI"TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. The City Preasurer shall maintain an Airport Improvement Fund and all monies deposited therein shall be budgeted and spent by the City Council for airport maintenance and improvement purposes only. ' SF.C'PION 2. All persons and firms selling or dispensing aircraft fuel at the City Airport shall levy and collect a tax of two cents ($.02) per gallon on each gallon of aircraft fuel sold or dispensed at the City Airport. All money so received shall be collected monthly by the City Treasurer and deposited in the Airport Improvement Fund. PASSER BY THE CITY COU?:CIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVER BY THE MAYOR 'PfiIS 7th day of December, 1964. T. R. Flynn _ Mayor ATTEST: �C-- Clerk I, 11. J. Hunt, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that on the 8th day of 1,ecembe 4, I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office and yhhese remained post or a period of five days and the foregoingrue and correct co y of the ordinance as passed by the City Counc ty jilerl,-q'i. the Cityjot Kalispell,