Resolution 2131 - SID 283RESOLUTIQU NO. 2131 CREATTNG SPECIAL DIS.l'RICT 283 PF011!, BT!", IT 1U]SOLVED T��Y THE CITY CUUNCIL OF T1`,E CTTY OF YALIS, 5 ,TO ToTT. SECT-LON 1. That Spe,ciel Lmprovemenf- DiSIrict Avo.28 q -� he E' i r �by created for the purpose of wi'h ',he Montane, Heway Commission and the Public Roads Ad r ni st r r n in a Program for the installation of n concrete pcti,-e--,Ient on Main Strert extending North from the Se uFh property line of Rpi(road Street to the South property line of Idaho Street, a distance of approximnte,ly 1200 feet more car less. SECTION 2. That said dis-W& is created qubject to all the terms and conditions specified in Rosolution 14o. 2131 entitled "Resolution of Intention to create Specipl Improvement District No. 28y' ppsged and approved tho 11th day of January, 1949 to which ynf er ence is m,,,de for fur,, -her narticulr rs. SECTION 3. The said district; is created also siibject to the terms and c�undid ,ns specil'-ted in the spec ificatjons prepar,ed by the Montnna State Ni way 'E'rv-jreers and apicroved by the Public Ro-,ids Adm-,,n-istratlin to which reference is made for furth�,r particulars. Passed art approved this ZF7,day rf Febrlip,-Y, 1949. D. 3. Cameron Mayor C. Kt- —Frower City Clerk 1, C. R. Brower, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above, resolution w-F, Fali pted -y the Council of said City at a me--,ting held this AN — day of 10brunry, 19409. City City of KnlispeI15 I F-4m SECTION 9. Th(City Clerk is hereby :�,uthorized ar,,I dirr-,cted to give the proper nni-Ice of the paS�in p C)f 4,h-.Ls resoluti-n be pub'lichtion n-rid mailing 11 required b:,- law, such puhlic-t�'an to 'ce made in th(,; Kalispell Sir. m4, a -wekly Y,,e,,vFTxapeT ,uvl.Isheo, in tjie CiLy of Kalic-pell, I-Aontana Pa,,,s(-,,d and this 11th — djiy of Jvnwary, 3.94-9. Mayor City Clerk 19 C. IT. Brewer, Clerl, of tbo Cj.ty of 1 I]JsTell) do hereby cortify that the above reso':'L luon Ydlo tis apted b.-v the CmInciof l said City � at � meeling held thi —dpy of Februry, 1?49. City Cler', the City of KalisPall, Hon,