Resolution 2120 - Budget - SalariesE 'TON 70. A TWOL7TTON 1"I'1' -;UDCZT FOR YE,z,R 1?4-8-49 L !T ITHE CITY Cj7WC1L OP TIM CITY OF 11LISPELL, MONTANA: Section L. Th��t Lle bladaet foy' t":e fischl yelar 114449 shall e ns f 01 Iowa G 11 Ci t y Counc 11 ,-'a cr.es an6 Silnries Mm.in.termance &- Operatl.on 20.00 City Work, Wnfivs ard Salaries koo.00 Wterials & Supplies 100D.00 �,� 1, , -vaent & 1'ond 300 -'00 City Tronsurer C) a) Wer!Njs QDpIles P;0.00 Bond 200.00 Cit Envinpe7 Alpes A, salarieF 2500.0c) 6, 11TWes, 100.00 llxamaining Vnrd) 100.00 Emerge"y amino F, 1792-00 City Ktorney y4yor & salarje 22WO 7ptyrin1s I SUP511v� X0 Police Court "e. & Salaries 2320.00 WarinIs & Sunplies 10CM Ir J-Urors, & """'itnesves 250.00 11mrnncy lar-nnts 7904 Equipmpnt 200,00 )oloan't-ment ;v'ages and S.,Ilnrles 30011-00 mat"isl & SMT110's 6100.00 Pound & samries ,"n t e, i � 1 S 51 6a' 1-1 S F -1 Te Det".ne nt Ga�es ' SaInvies mulerials & Tapplies Equipment 136o.oc city Dail salwoes & Orer,�tWn 4900M Tnx-n ins, New Eqnip. insportion We 200,00 Bonrd of RWU� Materials a Supplies Voldnet inylvznce Premiu-s 3000.00 GencrU Exp-rne, 1560.00 Strnst Uphtin,11," City Portion 4000.00 300 7300-00 3030-00 10792-13 ? 300 - n() 2949.84. 361n.00 302, - 00 34890,00 53;1-1110. 011) 00 3000-00 1 g6n. 0o 4000, 00 m salory 3310-00 Repairs & Replace 10.0111, Mal r t vnnnnz� 2 50.5111-�, IrterIVIS n jup"Um", 2 5C 1 10C On Qqtract 16600. 0 20540,00 Elect!ons Woo 800.0o STREET F111TIND 2171S & Salaries 2 5WO Wwrials &, 980C.00 Traffic HEW 12W.00 36000.00 hmerpency larrunU,,, Vrehouse PARK FUFD BrIffir Parl� 1500.0" Dejot pur"', lzcao Golf C-ourse 1C sw . wci Woodland 12000.00 80"00 26FOC.00 30790.5, 54 Miscellaneous 370C-CC Se,r �YeScn-vJ,,,-e a r a, 16 5C n . o,-,,, Emr-,i-78ency 15731.00 110 52 1. lw,, a & SUNNI,,,- 720.00 Material & Suppjje�� 4,3 70 -',"K� I I :77c Director Players 140n.W' I u a, c 86,c- moc, 2COC �CC lion !E�Pvur PeW ns 2 To 6, oo 06nc iAI=TQN w) Improvonent-s p�ryy ('3,, At�,ondents �� -, - , . ntem., s z u� � � "c 3 56. paymmit nrl Debt 1500.00 E .'.'[ar-,,an Us 730-03 501P.03 LLAQ-wwnn-FwE'ID 1744,81 114a,81 won &107ml FUM Wa g C S 'k Matcrial & Sipmes 3C W. I () EnOneering Survey -' C, IC 1) 10 " 1 (.") 50 o 0 0 x . 140972.9'(' Str9pt Fund 119000.0c) Park Fund Homo L&rary Fund 11570.00 V'ftAnr 'No rks Fund 126521.11-- Tand Fund ACT Police Pension Fund 2286.00 ANulance Fund 5012-03 AV I at T Uri Mac We" it N 1)", 11=ul 11ring 10d 1.744 , w91 6ewr Onwins Fund --1 jig Lp . qa-3 Total 372991.96 Dog & Ake Linmv,, 600. vo pnl'cu Court Fines 18000.00 FIbg. EY" a n4g, Permits 3850.0o Bear I lionor Lfcrms-,,. 14000.5), OtAer Licenses 5000.00 G. 11% Llt,,)s iopno NIAM :1001','.; 3 5020, 0' 0 U00. Revpnn5) 100.C'' MISQ. Ryunnds, —AIL-022) —LLCLI tr Gener,,,,l Fund 80158.00 Poo i C 7MYS 3000.00 Gnsoline 2-nzA 15C0.00 NISQ. - Ile ag- T)tnl S-Lr(-�et Fiin,,! r c) ID . c 0 Club House Woodland C Toua R0% AN 61,"oo Library koxo Wmtqr Works 104125.00 LOAN!-, 47C.00 POINn Ansior, 00.01 Ambulnnce 2 00. 00 Sever Servic", -21012h 215553.00 Passed by the City Co"rrii of v e Ci ty of hIIII speall and ON-D"! by �t tills ....20L. "Y Of AV'AStl 194F. _J._q,_Qqqerqq Mayor Brewer 19 Q & Brower, Clerk of t5,:� City of Knlis'pe,11.1 do he-reby cort,'.,'..,'.'y tt A ',A ;fnve -f oted hy- tl-,e- Council of sold City ot v moRKE Fold this Y of 6mo 194F. C 77T4�T�� Mont, ity I er City of K-Iispelll