Resolution 2093 - SID 275R­]S O NO. _20La_ RESOLUTION C1'E,'=NG STECI�'I DIS',`,;ICT 1,10. 275 SECT10t, - l.That Special Improvenent FUstrict No. 275 is hereby cre— ated for the purpose of installing, a sanitary sever in. a portion of Western Addition and a pol�tion of Storm': i''eridilan Lots. SECTION 2. That said district is created subjc-,.ct to n11 the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 2087, entitled "Res- olution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 275," passed and approved the bath. day of ­urust 1c,4'/, fza-e-at that the boundaries of the d1strict shall be reduced to include the following described. territoryt Beginning at a point wlJvh is the inter -section of the l0th. alley VIest of eEain with Etta. Street liestl F, concrete manhole and extending on the, center line of 5th. Street to its intersection with the center line of the 11th.. alley ',,,iest of Miain thence Tjorth on the center line of said alley to its intersection with the South property line of Lot 1, `.;lock 14, VVestern Addition. Also extenc J.ng Viest it right angles from the cento.r line of tho 11-th. alley West from. the prop- erty lines between Lots 3 and 4, ,hock 1-3, ',,7estern Addition to hieridian Road, thence 111esteriy ajonF the South property line of Lot 3, Plock 3, Storm's t,Ieri6ian Lots, to its antersection w1th, thi.e center line of the alley of said 9lock; thence Ylest on the center line of said .alley to the Last property line of Lot 13, Block 3 of Storm's Meridian Lots, also North on the cerater line of the alley Of P'I-Ock 3, and on. the center line of said alley ex- tended through Blocks 1 IMA 2, Storm's Pridi.--,,n Lots, also ex- tending VTest on the center 1.1ne of the uA,ley of 71lock 21 sto_­mls iAeridian Lots and at right angles from, the property line bet-��,,een Lots 3 and 25, t3lcacla. 2, Storm's Meridian Lots. Passed and r.pproved this 24tYi. dray of ()Ctobor, 1-0147 D. S. Cartacron Layer LTTEST: City Clerk 1, C. 11. Brozzer, Clerk of the City, of Kalis ' pe.1119 do hereby certify e. that the abovresolution krras adopted L)y the Councia.. of said City at a meeting hold this 24th. day of October, 1947. City Clerk of t-she City of Kalispeil, Montana