Resolution 2092 - Resolution of Intent - SID 277'JJ'.!J11 0 a VO .2092
1Cz;3 iNI"E" IT01,T 1110 CF11IMTH, SPIECIAL DT'1,TR7CT NO.
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the �
Cityof Kalis,pell to create a special improvement district, here-
by designated as 1;pecial Im1provement District No. 277, and said
Improvement District shall be for the purpose of installing a san-
itary sevTqr in Blocks 11 and 16,
6, Cameron Aadition, commencirre. at
a point which is the South property line of California ti�treet,
and I be center line of tfic alley between Third and -Fourth Avenue
Viest North, concrete n),anhole and extending ',;Vesterly on the center
line of California C`.treot to its intersection a,,,,ith the (,,enteri lne
of the alley between Fourth and Fifth 1'�Xenue Northl a dis , tance
of approxim.ntel-y 6,50 feet more or less.
Section 2. Thait the genoral character of the improvements to be
=7 —Insaid proposed Special Improvement District is the install-
ation of a sanitary sewer with concrete manholes and appurtances.
Section. .3, That the approximate cost of said improvements is
ii () =1-
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements
shall be assessed against each lot within such district to be
assessed for that part of the whole cost which its area bears to
tk,,e of the entire district.
See tjL,)n_ 5. That said assessment sh,,-,,Il be paid for in three, e(fUal
annual installments hereby extencled over as period of three years.
Said assessment shall constitute a. fund to be known as Special.
Improven.ent District Fund No. 277.
Section 6. That said inipros,,ements shall be paid for d.n
Improvement District warrants issued against said distr'ict in the
sum of W0.00 each, L)earing, interest at four rer cent per annum,
fro�a the date of registration until called for redemption or paid
in full,
Se2tioi2, �L That on the 24th. clay of October, 1947, at the Council _
Ch,,,rl'ber e in thy: City Hn1l of the City of Kalispell-, Irontann, at 7:30
o'clock P. 1vi., a regular meeting, the City Council- will hear and
pass upon all protests that may be made agzainst the making of such
i-11provemerts or the creation of such district.
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized nand directed to
give the proper not -ice of the ' pa-s-age of this resolution by pub-
lication and mailing, as require(,l by ln,%,, such publication to be
made In the Enlispell Times, a �i,,!eekly newspaper published in the
City of fallspell, 1,,Zontana.
Passed and approved this 6th. day of Octoberl 1947.
D. S. Cameron_
City Clerk
ii C. H. Drea,,Ter, CIerlof the City o Kalispell, do hereby certify
that the above resolution re,as adopted by the Council of said City
at a meoting held this -6th. 6ay of October':, 111147-
City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, P.,Iontann