Resolution 2091 - Sale and Purchase of City AmbulanceMM r"_-JK-MA6-A RESOLU]JON NO. 2021 A RESOLUTION AUTFORIZING' THE SALE AND PIMCITASE OF `1711] CITY AM7MANCE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL MONTANA: 'G'HEREAS: the ambulance presented tothe City of Kalispell by the Flat- head Post No. 7 of the AmerIcan Legion Department of Montana, has be - coma obsoleteg read, WHEREAS: the agreement entered into between the City of Kalispell, Montana and the Flathead post No. 7 of the American Legion, in March 1932, calls for the operation, maintonance,,nd replacement of said ambulance, and, WHEREAS. the Benevolent and Protective Order of EIRs Lod§.7,e No. '/2�, has agreed to loan to the City of Kalispell-, a sun. not to exceed 41 "3000-00 for the piirchase of a new ambulance, THEREFORE BE IT 11ESOLVED: by the City Council of the City of Kalis- a poll, that , Buick ambulance, Serial No, 2631607, Motor No, 2768156, be sold, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the transfer of title; be it further resolved that the money derived from he sale of this vehicle be deposited to the credit of the Ambu- lance Fund, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that as new ambulance be purchased from the Flexible Co Loudenville, Ohio, Serial No. 1462921, Motor No. 48219727, Body No. 15301, Flexible Model B 22-747 Premier, mounted on a Blaick roadmcaster chassist for the sum. of 85600.00� and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the City of Kalispell. �,accept the loan of $3000.00 from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge No. 72, and to pay from the Ambulance Fund the additional J2600.00 necessary to meet this olalig.-;tion, and be it further resolved that on October 1, 1948� and on each. October 1, thereafter, until the $3000.00 loan shall have been:mpnid; the City of Kalispell will repay to the Benevolent and 1rotective Order of Elks Lodge No. 725s from the Ambulance Fund, all money in s<,iid fund except v�300.00, which shall be retained for operating and maintenance expense. BE IT FURTHSR RESOLVED: that this resolution shall in no way nullify or cancel the original agreement made with the Flathead races post No. 7, of the American Legion Department of Montane,, made on March 7, 1932. Passed and approved this 19th. day of September— 194.7, D. S,,_q2,meron Mayor ATTEST® --.2. H. Bi�ewer 1, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 19th. d,,-Ay of September, 1947. City CJerk of the City of Kalispell, 1vTornt.