Resolution 2109 - Transfer of Land - Hwy 93277 R­SOLUTION NO. ��lQ2 A RESOLUTION AUTH')RIZ1',7G THE '.IRA SEER OF TITLE OF CERTAIN L",M) DW)rH-,D 13Y TIIE� CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA T BEI 1T 'i"MOLVED 13Y TH!�' CITY COUNCIL OF THIIE CITY OF KAL16PELLI M�)NTANA: IWEREAS: the proposed relocation of U. S. Highway No. 93 extending in a Southern direction from the intersection of Main Street and 13th Street will cross a nortion of the Kalispell 'Runlcipal,Air Port andl WHEREAS: the extention of this highway will not interfere with the operation of the Kalispell Municipal Air Port according to information from the Civil Aeronautics Authorities and WHEREAS. the proposed hish,,1,,ay will occur)y the land more particl-ilarly described as follo'ls; A strip of land �O feet wide on the westerly side of the following descri-ed center line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said MVJ Sec. 20, which said point is south 2617.0 feet and Past 2676.1 feet, more or from the nortliwest corneof said Sec. 20 thence from the s�.id point of becinning N. 33 , of W., 110.5 feet to a point, also a strip of land 160 f-et wide, being 80 feet wide on each side of the following described center line; thence continiiing from the last describ d point N. 33"01' W.1 '007.4 feet, more or less ! to a - � ' -*,-it on the north line of said Sec. 20, Which s,=ld ooint bears easterly along seid north line a distance of 977,22 feet, Itore or less from the northwest corner of said Sec. 20 and containing in all 9.4.1 acres, more or less, lncludiisg,, h wever, 0,91 of an acre herein described 1rrhich constitutes a part of an existing public highway. (Cross acreage 9.41; present highway acreage 0.91; net acreage 8.50). THEREFORE E' IT FESOLVED, that a deed be executed in favor of the State of Montana for the above desc-ibod property to be, used as a publ 4 c hightvay and that the Mayor and City Clerk of theCity of Kalispell aria },ereby authorized to execute, snid deed. andto cause the corporate seal to be affixed, and that a copy of'this resolution be attached to the deed. Passed and anuroved this 21st day of May, 1948. D. S. Cameron Mayor Attest:—C. H. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereb, cc:rtify that the arl,ove resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 21st day of May, 1948. (W City Clark of the City of Kalispell Mont