Resolution 2099 - Establishes City PopulationRM 6ji "jJ1,' E0. 2C�99 A RESOLUTION WhAMISEING TE PUPUL1�TIC)."! OF �_1HZ, ClTY ()P !,`,TE, I'l DLIEZOLVED, by thu City Co-uncil of thi,--Cjof' 1Sc.lispell, thr_;t �',hereas, ilesolution No, 2019, passed and apnroved = Lim first day of July 1946, dacipred the City of K.iilis%ell to be a C-1ty of t,je first class, any, IMEMEA51 the City Council Sid nuthorWp isle t""king of' a City censers in Resolution No. 2060, passed c,--,nd ppr,:)ved or the gtl-,. dcy of N'ovem'o,er 1946, 'rrd! Unum, since a direct enuacts wtiDn of all re�idents x,,rithj.n tj,4e corpornte limits of the City of Raispell, Eonvl% has been com- pleted and the impulation of the City of Rallsrell an a result of such enu.rvere,,tior is found to be -E, IT by thie C`,,ty Counci 1. of the Gi ty of Kalispell, that thm Wave fig7ure be declaims! the OffiCial POP-- alat,ion of tt-le C'ty of P,_alispell, until the nest Off}cirj] 3e nslish and that & coo, off' this Resolution be jr,blishe d % the Ke lispell,:Times, a Passed vnd Approved this `12nd, ,fay of Dece�:iber 147- D. S. caimeron Mayor City Clerk 1, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of C 7 r �,if y -1.� � p , 1. �, do hore�,,y ce that the above resolution ,,7nS adupted by the Coluncil o.r at a ineetng held V.­,is 22nd. day, of Decemt;er, 1947. y CLer. of the City of OTM-"r,la