Resolution 2098 - Transfers Funds'�73 OLV;11) —Y Tffi, CITY COUNCIL Othe City of Kalispelj that Lhc City Treasurer amd the City Clerk gre hereby authorAzed to transfer each rt-tonth from, the VT 11i tler ',�'Orks Pund to .'-lie 6ev,,,er Sex,vice Fund such. amount as, may have, been c o 11 e c t e d ley the, C a s h- j- e r of tie -01,a, l, 0-- r orke 1.) e pa r t - meant ar�d dosirnatr.d by him on proper vouchers. ELI I IFUITH",R that th.1s nithoriz,-,tion shall be in full force .,nd e-ffect iantil revoked by 11".csoluton. Passed and -.,pproved this 1st. day of Decembc�,,r� 1947. City Clerk 1, C. T.I. Bre,,vcr, Clerk of the City tff K,-I1JaiIe11, Oo hereby ce-t-J-fy that the a,ove resolution vv.-Is a�,Imted by the Council of sair, City at a meetln�,. held this 1-st. day of December City C —3e r 4o � try.City of Ks11