Resolution 2097 - Improvements to Hwy 2 and 93mm
RESDLUTIC)`J, NO. 201-,�?
A RESOLUTION AP ?fi,,')VING PLANS OF THE I'll T GliVeyff C01—,1`1S1S10N,,, OF OHE
,WTJERE,AS. the population of the City of Kalispell has been
incren—s,ed since the official. U,. S. Census of 19405
I Vv 11 -
P Uie formim, of
CHM, t� L; . because of the increase in noiulatin,
new industries, the return of tom,ists follawin,,, the war; the
travel on streets h�,!,s been lrs,t1 r in.cre-�sed� arld,
e ys # 2 md 93, are loc,-ted on the str et,�E IRREAS. U. S.
and avenues of the City of Kalispell and should carry a major
portion of the traffic and,
,VHZRE1-S ® there is, available to the State of 1Jontana Federal funds
to be used for the cons triicti on md improverment of urban highways,
TIMREFORE BE IT RhSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kal-
ispell, Montan, that the plans of the High,,,,my Coiwnissi;-,)n of the
State of 1,lontana for the -mj--aovement of U1. S. llfighvvays Nos. 2 and
93 in the City of KalispeI17 as outlined on the t-.qap submitted, be
approved, and,
DE IT FURTBER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be filed
with the Highway Commission of the State of 1,,!ontana.
Passed by the City Council and a,,)proved by the 1'.1ayor of the,
City of Kalispell, ay of December, 1,947,
,ontana this 1st. d
D. S. Cameron
W, Vayor
G ATTE'-'T: 11 --L-IL-Breiver.
City Clerk
C. E. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kilj,spell, do hereby certify
that the above esolution vrzs .-,dopted ',,y the Colu'AcIl of Said City
at a meeting held this lst. day of Dece.niber 1947.
-.7, 7tY C"lel'k cTF the City —OfXalispell, 1—Montana