Resolution 2095 - Extends Lighting District 51W RESO LUFT j 0 I'J, 0 C RESOLUT 7 ON TO &XTE,D ITDIS'RCNO. 51 I IX BE IT RESOLVED EY THF'� Cl"Y CO3U`XT11 011' ','�711E, C11—Y OF Y`%LI'11P1P2L, NON'.!.'. SECTION 1. That the boundaries of Special Lightang District No 51, shall be changed to include Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 196; Lots I to 6 inclusive, Blocllk 199; Lots 1, 2, and 3 Bloc], 200. SErCTION 2. Tlaat the entire cost of mjntairing the light at these intersections sh&ill be distributed evenly betT,,joen the above lots, except that pol�tion which is paid from the General Fund of the City of Kalispell. SECTION 3. That upon the --ii-nstallati.on of these lilghts, the lot owners shall Day to the City Treasurer a sum equ�:l to the pro- portionate pert of the 1946 assessment which shnll be deposited to the crodit of the Light District No. 51, and In crase of fa-'Ll- ure to pay these asseso,,o,,ients on or before TwTarch 1, 1Q,4-8, they shall be added to the 1948 assessment, and that beginning July 11 1948, the above described property shall be incladed in tl,.re September assessment lists of Light District No. 51. Passed and approved this third day of Novc)Tber, 1947. D. S. Cameron Irayor AT'[ESTC 11 Brewer City Clerk I, C. 11. Breyer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby cert,ify that t-1he above resolution iTias adopted by the, Council of said City at a meeting held this third day of NFove:r,,ber, 1947. City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Fontana