Resolution 2110 - Emergency - Budget - Various DeptsRE,SOLUTION NO. 2110 A TUE�-;0L`.­TI0,­, THIA17 Ali ELTERGENCY EXI,'_1TS AND THAT TT IS NEC;SSARY TO MAKE, EXPENDITURES IN EXCESS OF 7:1s' �._IMOUNT PROVIDED FY TTE (XRR1,NT ,UDGET FOR THI, VAT�'IO­S MRJ�-TIM,'Ts. 'N,HF,,,'E.EAS, a change in the for of receipts issued by the police court was requested by the state examiner's off,`�­,, required ad- ditional printing the budget of the Police Coutt was exceeded in the am-�-.int of 1179-84. M-M-p- It was necessary to retain the City Engineer for the an"rTliall year, this budgnt eras exceeded in the ammyint of $1792-13. VMMEASI it was necef-snry to roplace t ambulance, this budget 0 ,vas exceeded In Vae nmourt of ��,f,23 MAN,% the replacing of water mains @,ml the extenslon of new lines nnd hyd.n.m.0 the voter Depart me_nt `)udp,,et exceeded Ln the a.mount of ,$15,731-115- BE !T RESOLVED �,)Y- T1HE 0-: CTTY C1',TC11-L OF CITY OF KALISFUL THAT 13Y RE�ASON OfT!11s FAM,.S' tS STATEDw AIP� 1-111EITICEIN= is her -by declared to exisi under the provislorg of Secttor 5083.R of the Revised Codes of the State of Mo.,r_,tana, 1935'and an ex- penditure of $101-97 in the excohc sq of t, c�_ir-ent hddr,,-t fo the General Fund; 82305.03 for the Anb-olnrice Fsind, 315731.15' for the Water 'Xorks Fkmd. S19,90-75 is horeby aluthorized ifor the p:rpose herein set forth and 7,�'arrnot s b- drawn n Qnst the several funds and the City Teas,.firer is authorized and directed to pay such wrrants with any mon" in the several fundi, mention,,?d tly"t Is -,vn11n`i-,1e a -el if thcze is rnt sufficient money in such funds to pEy such mrrmAf, then the some shell by—reiriptered rrd benr ir.tevr�ast and 'he naiNd for jmyment in the manner provided by for othe?r City ',i;,,,�rrants. Passed and nppravc�d this 6th dny of July, 1948. Inyor Attests C. H. Brewer City Clrmrk 11 C. E. cl--rk of the City ot Ka1.lspt11, do hezTeby certify that the above resolution by tlhe Council. of said City at a meetirun held this .6th day of July, 1948. CIT _,CI ERI Mp THE, CITY OF MI3PELL4_AqNTANA