Resolution 2119 - Resolution of Intent - SID 281TESNATION NO. 2119 RESOLUTIOK OF TO CP,l.1,TP', SIKA31A1.1 'DIS'7-,�TCT 2,91 BE IT AWLVAD BY THE CITY COWIL OF silly OD I il'.e.il.l.l.-I"a,.'Lllli'llI i�7 t'-, 7rtention of the City C:)uncil of tho City 6f Kalispell to create a special improver-,ieflt district here -by designal";"'d. ns Special Improvement D!.strl,(,t 2, " 1 and said TmpT,QVe-1(.-,,r,t- Disiurict shall be for the purpose of installing n snnitary scum, Totween 4th and 5 th, Avenues East In the ully Df Black 249 mo1',2 ns follows; begUninr at a pwW alrich Js t!)e centeer a.in of 1,3th strect -end it's interpedtion at the cnntf->r line of t-(Ily Bout`'' 'on the cte.r 1,ine of said ally 010i is colsyn" center line of i2m oily of Block 249 a Win= of ap)roximntely 28�---, fet to tne pr,-�perty line �f Lots 6 - ric,, 7 r<lr>ci1 249. S,-,'CT.'01%' 2. That the Mneral cherH&Rr of t1te L"iprnve',',ents to m,-de in snid prynsno so-V,! Wrav-mvt disivilt iT Ove Walmilation Df 2 nnitury sewer wfth a conerntc a mnQUQ at a! wermotoms o.-" brDnch line suwem: .,t1e"e se-,T, ��irec','Aon of flolr o-i'd a+ the cxtreme end oE-'ach .,-nch line, anti 0 h necessnry arpy-hnnywes, SEC�1'11, 011,73. That thte f S"1-'co-is 3/"(�.% " i Tivat the ent,.rc, nost nrid experee o"PqavemenW" Wall be nssessed acninst esch lot within .uch district to r_n , s, d ? a e S (-, for t lr-at '),rt of th- iaAe cost Ch its )ec to the Pr eye of the cnUre distriet. SECT -ON 5. T,nat staid a sessrient Kall he 1pid, fo-r -1-n lthrc�u equal nnnual Tnstallm,7,ts jisoreby eyt,.:,nded over a , `c pen-7d of three ye,,rs, Said assessment shnil constitute a fDnd to T-,(- t-,,s Specjal Tm°,�rovomcant: District Fund ',:,",c;a 211. 6g,' C !'i' 6. That sald -'riprovemants shall he pvi(3 fOr In Spec-!.�',,l Impro-,,Y�-�'cmts �','wrrants lsm& ;walnst said distaric-t -,,..n the s,,,i,,,i -,)f' each, b',�,-,rinp 01ther 4% or 6�,,,' PE'r amnurn f.'o:n t`le dato of registration until cn! 1 to for 01, pnid in J-ull, SEW N , Thnt on the 19th dry Df Ai4!ust zA the CmandA. Chambers In the City IT211 of — ri— nf Kelispe I I nt 030 o'clock P.M. a special the Clty coo ncilwill hear !-)'':>s up"')n !.�11 cratest that muy be made ngainst the rnak,ir,16 Of slaCh im:)rovarnents or the creation of !Mch distamM SUTION I Tha Cit'%, Cler!,,, je: lacreby a-uthorAzed, arml directed to Five The —170per rkatic(,, -of tipe of Lhis by pu'r)licst,)n end mailing re>,'-uired T,.,y sUch ')ublic't'on to inu)de in the Kalispell News, n weekly nev-sty onar Brut ilshed in U01 City of KRUSP011 Montana. I Rass ed and i,pproved this 2nd dny A' Aqwstl IaQ, ATIAR; City Clerk Iy C. I.t. Brertier, clewc of the City of Kalispell, 'J,',-) hereby certify that the above fts ado,,-,,tcJ by the Council of G_i't, at a mee-ti--,"g held this --Juy �Af Ji�ly, -194�"Ilo —ity Clerk of tie 7C�TTTT—y 7T KPTE", nell , Votana---