Resolution 2112 - Resolution of Intent - SID 280'RESOLUTION IN0. 2112
Di" 7 TCNT70N 13 REATE SPEC,',":_L "il,i'-'��,.')rl:',!T 5737 '1,T ,"). 2,'`0
DY W4 771 W.YMC:L OF T0,', C_ ,-Y A L L lA -
GEMIM I &A it is tic lntrnti_.)n of 11-€e C1 ty Coon ,,,)fthe Cagy
ea` —11001,177771 to (n,nato; a syncini astir ,Ii�Ir'act heret�y
as Spedial Improvemcni: District No. 280, ,Y :i � 17,1o)r,",)N,-ement Dirict
f'or t'he pmVase M instal ling P s,,�nj.try sc,,,,;cr .-etliieen 3rd, -and
4t',1 W&F of 11-th Stor t, more pr.,,i1.cn1,,r _i1y C3escri,) d as
foil e fows: brAW YK imno at v yoA is -Ae intprs-cNini of the 4th
al]y ""c"'t 'of 'M-iin with 11th Street rM calsMaw muiaiole sna Pytenling
SAW on He cynh Ww A raid , 1'� QW; l'-, tdc., �Ily of the
MR — 146 on@ VIDA 17, Fjohrr Alditinn, �,,, 1,1 of te'ly
283 feet to W e ;f Lot 6 -Mock 116 tat 6
17 P"l i.d 6 , t'!
11 1,, a, t th")r tic, to lr,,-_? nl,,ade
in said pronsed snecip! jip,avem7r! Astr1of is the ImUllation A a
Yn t . r (,� n h, E�s ,fC,--�� nh -t , f I ors o JI- r a n c h
1'ne, rr& Vare spmw rUrnp-s AfrocM of flav and st We,
1 vWi &ppurten,,anceso
end o)f e,�,,hh br�.no,�, tm Nnd
QQ740,j, That the ap,aximAn cost )f sri_!d itnpr_)ve.mentsis $75'0-00.
S CT0L,4, Thot tho entire cnst nnd expense of nvuh Inprovommyo; M11
he Rsuessed against emah lot withIn such district 'Lo ,ss,,ss,,„d for
th,=t '-_m! (, of U,,e cost v,!1,Qh its rrea MarE to W, ?Pee of the
t i 1t.t int.
WACTIOW-0-. ThA sold vsFeosment sholl be paid fcr thre�,o -,raival
instAlzents AMU exhmdwl owo n period of three ynLrs, Wd assess-
ient shn U cons.,,tutu fund t) I e,> Kno,,4n ns Speci.,l Imr,rovo.nunit DJ s tri, o-, t
FUMI Fy. 280.
T '-�n_ld rwr',,,Tune nts W11 be Imid for in Special Improve-
T--tr District - , ,. 42-iied nprinnt sold dis4doot in the mmi of $100.0c
eachLearinn 1 tAlf at aithpr 4% or 6% per an,nm froan th We of registra-
tion until ca led for paid in
Tha>n the 11th Icy of hua ,-ust at t Co nc,12. Muaiteers in
tH My EM of thc My Df Kalispell, nt 7:30 O'KDA PX. a wMal
m eting, the City Comal 1, 13 hco-r ! rA, pa,.-, rya ,tin t 11, protc-sts tl,_t ,'Iny
th'-) T,,','kl such or the creation
of such AsMAnt.
The City CIPM is her -by n' clalrected to
t e proper notian of the joassa;e of Wis resolution 0, puMeationand
mallinU ns re uWA by 1=1 suBt to `,,e ar��dc In '.he K,,.h_]Aspell
-jublished On tie Cit-f K. Montann.
Ossed and ApIrovel this 23rd do,,y 6f July, 19,1P.
C. H. Brewer
Cl ty CIPM
I, C. H, Breqn, Clerk of the C-'ty of do h,� eby cc,,-rtify that
the above resolotio_ �s ndoptej by WM Cotjncn`:j of �nicl, City K. meet-ing,
lreld this _ day )f July, 1948.
City Clerk tho City of Kal-ISP0111
ReWAA, �.caw WC 211-,, t-,) -",11F9 ,,,olh inclr2lv99 MY 01 zYVANI 71V A
City Ciao's Mice.