Resolution 2111 - Resolution of Intent - SID 2799011HAI
IJ'TION W. 2111
B,E TT �),.v.;if BY Till WTY COt"N"'C:1, 0�1jT-. Cr. Y O.Y
S,EG0'r 1.. That it is the intentlon of tn,? C:I.ty Cnuncil_ ,)f the, City of
Kalispell to create a spocial ly4ovevwnt h"'� 'e"y (� -'s
Special Improwunt DJ strict No. 279 and ; A d Distriot
to for the purpowe of instUling , Y&W-y so- betwen 7th 70 Ih
kvenll'e.. zund on Pnilo3 Street ,es t leton 7t�',- r',nl otla Averluec,-,
morn pnrt!.c'ii1.,',r1.y follows.
&t ni Ant Alch 1 s r xlmn tei,,,� �,'50 feet 3'_)uth of tlSsuth
property, line if Wirp, d alert �:)n he., I ate 2t'j"
ally Wnst ond existing "Torth on the cc.,,n.Lor, ,Jf
said ally to a point 42 f-et 77ort? W ��) tic South I'ns f
thenc�' "'Vest r � ��-Iit a MY rice 'if Ogg, '0V an L-ly 701 f, 0t; nlo-)
Erst at r! ht rnplys; a dist nce -,f' _nly 0'2�1; feet.
CTTQLN 2. That tho geneml chvrvnQ?r c)f ld"'e t'o "-C' r"'.-I'e
in said propos-d Fprci-j i in-oonw-t diE ')f
s saniUry acmv- -1th Y mar -on mnhole at '11. Qitp-soct'Dns of 0nnch
7_�_nc, sp W where rve=, ch� vs dlrect-,'°n r)f f2_o�7,7 ,ra:. at irc treme
end of Pach Kranch nergssary npmr" runn,r.
LoTION,_3. That Une approximrte cost of F .5C n s' S C.).00,
Th,,,t the vintlrccast and uponse of such J_� a1 ley sj.
be tos"sW apninst qnoh IQ witlAn n1mki district to Tnj typpsypd fm
th,:.t pz rt of the whole ost, (,h its are 'W` n to 1: F ion! 001 11 Y Met.
S _,', C , T _10, 7 T1' t 1 o r f c, T, ,, n r
Watell7emS hereQ McnWed HY of thrEm years, old ov ess-
rent sW11 constituto c fund to he known 6pecial
Fund No. 279.
m iom 60- Mt W! improvPmont: shall le for jmr�)vc,nejjt
DIstrint arninst s,-Jd' ln t r,, rum of 31no,00
enchs bOnring ifenore9t at either Q"� or pe7, t. nn,,r7, the
re,r-W,rntl vi until cniled for relimpet! on nr rold in full,
That on Ve lith 0y of f � VC,.,wlh.e.r£,
in the GIQ Hyla Df tt�? i:jty of E!,11spell, Q 7:30 n1c"Y& YW.
a apocial meyt!,�_ , tl� C ty Connofj w"11, t,� 0 0,
th& may be mad-., ir�� '�f such i7v.provc,�n.e.ats or tlo
of su-h district.
X mil 8. The City Clerk is henQ utharfycd ;PS directed tD -A t4,_
Proje� Mo tice of the paumpe of A! illt � 3-.1 by
v nd ma i 1 io� , s 1" o r, ""1 0 iu",,, -� r to b .2 of i n t e I
New, n weekly noospnpm pntl's,'n�j ljj t. Cj,ty e,)f Ka1jS,,-)e1j
Passed and Approvqd 223-rd d,i,y c)f
Ity Clork
r. Clerk or the City M Kalispoill do he-r,,--�bv c t
7 ertify t',_,,
be Have re$01Uti()e_1is'�1 """'y tl.o C f n, t,
Wd this 21st To- V jay, 19Q,