Resolution 2074 - Resolution of Intent - SID 275IM RESOLUTION NO. ',;) RESOLUTIOY', OF IATERTION TO QUATS SPECIU, 11FROVMMUT 1)ISMIC2 NO. 275 BE IT P_`­,S6LV1,`,D Ea THE MTY COMMIL OF TYE CITY OF—KAL!,';PTELL, 1,A0NTA_,`A: SECTION 1. Wat it is the intention of ty_e City Conricil of tl,e ('Jlty of Kalispell to create a special Improve-ment DJ_stricA� hero'by designated as Special improvement District No. 275, aml sAd Improve- ment Distriot shall De for the pupose of jirst-,hinny s,-,,vc?f,,ie!t from the Great Vort"le rn Ewilwny Co. rlpht-of-way on '.1m.in extending north to the soot: property line of 'VTs,slai-_,:�7ton Stri­.e, a rJistance of approximately 1040 feet amre or less. Tits pnvement Q eytend from curb to curb and to connect to Hig'—,-!ay 11-_), SECTION P. That Me appr(iMmate cost of -,"id 541,V26.00. SECTION 3. That the Mire comb and experse of such s1hall he assess-d aFainst e,,ch lot :,ith,_Pnt such distri-_,t to a: sessea for that part of the whole cost its �_,,rea 1.)ears to the area of the entire district. SEMOD 4. That said ass" mpnt sball Le paid for in t-.rcc eq�),aj annual Installments hereby exteNed over a )criod of t)­;ree ye,­'rs. Said assessment 001 constitute a fund to No lunvm as snecial Improvernent Dist,ict Fund 2'5. SECTION 7-nt said im-prove,flents sall ptiid for in Special Improverient District warrants issued aF�,ainst s,.-iict 14—strict in, the, Sun of ,, , '100.00 eacl,,-,, be , ­,ring iLterept at 4 per cent per amnan from tho date of registration until called fc�r r­d,,,;,mption or p,,,,j-.l in full. SECTION 6. That on Ve 19th day of June, 1947, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of -bho City of Kalispell, 1,1ontana, at 7:30 oloolock P. M.3 the City Council hear sno _onss up),,-,, a-'Ll protes,ts tLat -,,,,ay- be We apainst the 3-king. of sua _,h i_,ipr,,)vcments or the creatioi,,;a of such district. SECTION 7. The City Clerk is hereby authorized nol lirected to nive The proper notice of the passage of tkAs resolution ly- pU51jeation aml Mling as required by law, Such PuMention to W, Mke ila the Ti,,ne, a in th(-, Cty bf Kalispell, Montnna. Passed and appr-,ved thisond day of Ames 1,4-/ 0. Conn! '011 yor Attest: C. E. Brower City Clerk 1 5 C. 7. DrelJer A Clerk of the City �-)f K*Ijspell, do n.ereby certify that the x5ove resolution was adopted t, the Council of snid City at a meeUng held it.ris 2n(.,l 0,ny of june, 1947. City Cleri< of the ("'ity of Kalirpell�