Resolution 2070 - Transfers FundsIm RESOLUTION 2",,0. �� FU6 11, Uilc,, '-J'-'�Y BE IT -ESOLVED �.,' T-',E C17Y OF '21!E CIT-Y OF KALISPELL: That the following fray sfer ' junl's b,,e made; Fran tbe 1%nd Fund to the Park Fund Urc sum of UDc,.00 One thmmand W` e Inindred., no cents. The reason for this transfer is thrt tic an < Fund has a surplus and also to avoid any ',,,-arr,ants in ti-,e Park Funrl beCore Jelly let. 1`,47. Passed and approved 5th. day of -1947 D. S. Cameron Mayor Attest: C. !% Brener city Clerk I, Ch. Bremr, Work of the City of Kalis-,c)ell, do hereby certify that the n,uove resoln-tiorl I'Vas 'doptod by the counc-."'l of said City at a meeting held Vis 5tK day of !My, 194A City Clerk 7-ihe Cty of Kalispell,