Resolution 2069 - Extends Lighting District 51Hue RESOLUTIJN NO. Z-_06'J RESOLUTION TO EXTE1,3M 8--EC11U 1,1�hT I - G D1,3-l"T"T NJO '51 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T!'Ij,' CITY OF KUISPE'LL, SECTION 1. That, the boundar:es Cor Special LiFhtilf, District No. 51 shall be changed to include t1e following lots in Cameron. addition; LoLs 4-5-6 of `3lock. 4; The -implatted Ares betavoen Blocks 4 & 5; Lots 1-4-5-6 Rock 5; Lots 1-2 3 i�lock 6; Lots 1-9 incl, Block '?; Lots I to 3 and 7 to 13 incl. Block 10; lots 1-2-3-10-11- 12 Block 11; Lots Block 12; Lots 1-2-3-10-11-12 Block 13; Lots 1.'2'3-�10-11-12"Bl'Qck 235. SECTION 2. That the entire cost of maintaining t1ie light atthese intersections shall be d1strii.uteO evenly taetivee.n theabove lots except that portion vlhlch is pz-,id from the General Fund of the City of i1alispel1. SECTION 3. Re fining July Ist. 1947 the above clesc riber! property shall be included in tna September assess -meat list of LiF,,ht District 1o. 5J . Passed and approved", tllis ter day of 11,TLay, 1947. D. S. Cameron Attest-.___2. 11, Bre-,,ver City Clork I, C. 1. hrevver, Cler1k,'. of t�- ' P Gity of Knl:!spell, do hereby certify that thc ,,,bovo res( l-ution iv,,,s ndopted by the Council of' said City at a held, this )4 . Llit i Day of' Z--- 1' -7 G71t,y Clerk of tl-e y of Falispoll, Ilont