Resolution 2060 - Directs that a Census be TakenRM
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II,S I'DT -�DE7 A d.-ELI, i
5 1 ril c o 'It Is ap�-)arent thc� City of Kt— pell S L
nmv Yns, Mhp il,3eces ,, pry rumbe7, oi' Inhol-Atn.nILs to be a City
of the first ci,�,ass;.
2. O�tnce, the Rovis(—i Codeu> of 8tate, of Ulontman
�,3 ' S, C r 10 11 5 0 3 7 d a, th, t tine C 1, t v C o i i n C', 11 may
ordier a cens-,s to be t< ken.
j f 3"( 1` res -
aI vey C11,y Cwizic
, I'll, Ir t census be t,-,ken
0 f t h e C JI't "Ir n C a � 1, 2" r" e 11, 1-� " 1
T, e, s i e n is 'S11 t h i I t 1 !, e C u r T) o e I Im i 'u-, s 0 f the
, - 0-)ra -ry Cler.k be
City ot, Kalispell i1't
l- Z� 1i-I 11-
d the Cit
,,)rd J.s he-c;'by , uthor].Z,?d to c,'mas',e, such- a censms to be
ta',kr,n, aiA a report lie n 1,.)o 1,,P,e city c-j,,.nc t
a timo 'to be nrd tl--Et such i'aport shall be flIed
'Ind beco.,aae thle officin" C nsus, Cit-,,,f of Kal �TleLl
-OT't-n-zthe ruKt r e v r census tuken, by Rilreau
of Census of the Goverrr.ierlt -)f.the United, Staffs o" ,!,�erica.
L P.
and ai).roved t-I'L, t L 9r46
day of 1�ove-�,b��r,
City Clerk
T� C. Clez,k of Cit-,r c)f Kalis)eil, do
hereby certify t;t t"'e,
by the Couric,,11 of s,,:Ad City a)t a helcth-Is,
t 1-.t f,!,,,,,y of ovembc,r 1 rtri,6
City Clerk of tl.-e City of E,�Jitspell,