Resolution 2058 - Accept Plat of Woodland Heights AddnM TFSOL7TIOU FO. 222L._ RESOLUTTOF TO ACCEPT PLkT OP KALTS?EL7 , 731TAHA 15 IT RESTNED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 3F KALISPELL, NONTAnk: WEERFAS, Mr. Charles Le Feber bas sulaittecl nro-)o port,"Lon c.)f tl�e NEI/cAlf of Section F, Tuwus�,ip 2�� ','�Pngc 21 , the some being witkin the limits of the City of Kaljspel- Ad wrywAS7 the certifinnte of title has been exaMind by & B. Fhot, City Attorney, and foan(t�, be or! taut, and TeEEEAS I the survey and plot of Llre proposd 7,,"oo,�Irma Height.s .dQ- Itioto the City of KallspV11 has !men nrA apwroved by J. CaVIA- EnVinerl and F, P. Scott, Co-,.mty Slirveyor of FD,.thead County, n.nd 'AVETFAS,thP nropos6d plat Qll not anatcrinlly the sy!xqetry and order of t-,e City of' K.Iispeli, TFEREFORIT, be it resolved by the City Coi--incil of tl e City of Uontann that the plat of the Woodlai0 I -eights `kdditl-or of thc! City, of Kalispell be approved and tint the Mayor -.-nd Cit,,, Clerk be Izo,c' to sign the plat and € 1 £`, > the sen (if tile Ctty of Kalj-spcll, Montern, and thst a c,,-),)y of this resol,,ition he silbmitted L,o the Cwwty C-, erk T,),eQordc.,r of cc-twnty the approved plat. Passed and apl)roved this —4t�� r:)f 1`,`46, 7ayor At, t es t C a, City Cl,-'rk Cw Clnrk of' tte City of do Eby certlfy that the above resolutinn wqs ndoj-�,tod 1w, tl-'e Courc-11, of City nt m T—tinc held this ±Q -ay of -,;,ove-�iber, ao""(). City Clew Kalispell, Wont.