Resolution 2057 - Extend Special Lighting District 51RESOLUTION NO. 2('17
RESOLUTION ']"() 7,1'171r1 SWIAL LIM217G DISMICT NO. 51,
S,,'T,'CTT,')1N 1. That the boundnrles for Special Lj-tlhtir-ig District
No. 51 Hall be changed to incl&e Lots 10 to 12 inclusive of
Block 227, Lots I to 3 of Block. �34 in, the unpletted nrca ad-
� the intersectlion of
jolnin,,,, ilain Str��t anexto d n�iing,th o
lain Street and Arizone Ltr,(2(-t, a distance of ]_;O, fc-�,t.
6ECT] 3IN 2 . Th,,,t the entire cost of mp-intain--!x,q� the ligLt
nt, these jntorsec�t-,ons slp'jl I)e disir,buteC evenly lbeltvveen
the ',.,,bovp lots, thT�t port1,.',)rj *,ich, is pnid fr,,-)r,, t�,-e
General Furd, of the City of -k.allspeil.
SECTION 3. Thrt upon the inntillr,-,tion of tjiese ii.hts the
lot, o"vrers !')r�y the City stm to
the proportionnte port of the 1946, nsrfmerit lehiich shn11
be depositod to the credit of the Lj,ght -istrltct, No. ',;I,
nnO In case of fmilurn to pay thess., ,-,ssessmaents on or before
june 30, 1941, they sahil be added to the 1947 mssessment, and
that hoginning July 19 1947 the above described property
be, ircluded in the Septo-mbe-r lists of Livht
District No. 51.
Passed and apmoved this, _ nth day of -Novemherl '.'iq1i6.
Attest: C% E. Brew
City Clerk
T, C. Cle" of f the Cit,,� oclo !(,,reby
certify tbnt the aboTe rusolv'A m ws ndanted In; tim Council
of obio City nt a meMinp held HAs 4th day cT Avem0r, 1546.
Citor C!Coo ;vf
Kalispell, Vontinn,