Resolution 2065 - Extends Lighting District 51RES'L)LUTIOIN NO. W65 TiESOLUTTOF TO EXTEYD SPECIAL, LIGT7TTNG DISTRICT NO. 51. BE IT RLSOLVED BY TME CITY COUNCTI, OF TH�", CITY OF KALISPELI, MON—ANA: 96CTION 1. That the boundaries fOr SPecial. Lighting District No. 51 shall be elmngecj to include Lots 9 of Eloc4 170, Lots 4_ 6 of '9loQk 1711., Lots 1 to 6 inclusive of Block 173, Lots to 1.2 inclusive of Block 1,74, Lots 7 to 2.2 inclu— sire of Block '179, Lots 1 to 6 inclusive of Block 18,0, Lots 1 to 3 inclusive of Block 1831 Lots 10 to 12 inclusive of Block 1,134. SECTION 2. That the entire cost of maintaining t'­e light at these intersect.lons shall be distributed evenly between the above lots, except th- t portion wbich is paid from the Generpl Fund of the City of Kalispell. SECTTON 3. That upon. the installation of these lights the lot owners shall pay to the City Treasurer as sura to the proportj.on,.'�te pnr� of the 1946 ,�',ssessment which', shall ',"e depositec to the credit of the Light D4stric1, Na- 51-1 and in c„,be of fYailare to Pay thps-, assessments :an or be -fore June 30, 1.1/D47, they shall he aided to the 1347 assesmeet, end that beginning Jiily 11 1947, the above descralbed property shall be included in the September assessment lists of Light Distri,l°t loo. 51. P,',,ssed 3rad aporoved this 1 7. _3rdday of -'arch, In D. S. Cwmeron �1171__Iyor -- lit 7 77771 _Pr7_ 11 C. IT. Bre,,!;er, Clerk of the City of do hei,eby cert-ify tIvIt the above, resolution imns r1dopted b',,- the Council of snid City at s meeti-ng hell this of Mnrch, '1,7141. City Clerk of the City of Kallspe.'Ll' "N"Ont.