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E. Lease Hold Improvements - Authorization to PayDS 457 (Rev 6/93) TO: DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Unit or Area Office ADDRESS: RE: NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF DAMAGES State Lease r Dear Commissioner: I have been informed that City of Kalispell of Kalispell, Montana is applying for a Lt4jf,_, over, under, along or across the following State Lands: Section 36, Township 29 North, Range 22 West for the purpose of developing a youth athletic fields As the Lessee of the State Land described above, 1/(we) understand that if the easement is approved by the Land Board., that I/(we) as leaseholder am/(are) entitled to compensation for damages, that may occur to ny/(our) improvements, crops, or -leasehold interest. I/(we) also acknowledge that the said compensation, if any, is for actual, da= ages only and that compensation should not ex- ceed the actual value of the damages to my/(ou,_-) improvements, crops or leasehold interest. I/(we), the undersigned hereby state that No damages are anticipated. Damages are anticipated and compensation has been re- ceived based on anticipated damages. x Damages are anticipated and arrangements have been made for compensation.-3500.00 Damages are anticipated and the applicant & I (we) are not able to agree on the value of the damages. At- tached is a listing of my/(our) improvements, crops and/or statement of what portion of my/(our) leasehold interest will be damaged and my estimate of value for compensable damages. Signed this day of Max _, 19____Z_• (Lessee) Clinton Grosswiler (Lessee)