Resolution 2043 - SID 261• RESOU71ION NO. Z2041 RESOLUTION CREATING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 253. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. SECTION 1. That Special Improvement District ;To. 261 is hereby created for the purpose of installing, a. sanitary sewer in combined Blocks 10 and C, 9 and B, and Block 2, all in Duncan Addition. Sanitary sewer shall be gin at an existing manhole, in the center- line of 7th Avenue East North approximately 75 feet South of the centerline of Idaho Street East and extending North on the centerline of 7th Avenue East North to the South property line of Idaho Street; thence East along the South property line of Idaho Street to the intersection of the centerline of the alley between 7th and 8th Avenues East North, a distance of approximately 183 feet; thence North on the centerline of said alley to the South property line of California Street, a distance of approxi- mately 1100 feet, more or less. SF]C'ION 2. It was necessary to change the boundaries of this District from those set forth in Resolution No. 2027, in order to obtain proper drainage, otherwise this District is created subject 'to the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 2027, entitled "Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District Nio. 26111. Passed and approved the 15th day of July 1946, with this exception --the unplatted area North of Idaho Street known as Tracts 30-17 and 30-25A, having paid previously for the exten- tion of''the sewer to which this area will be connected shall be exempt from the assessments for this district as specified in Section 4 of resolution No. 2027. Passed and approved this _21sst- day of August,1946. Cameron Tiyor Attestl C. M. Brewer City Clerk I C. V. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this?.!.-t day of August, 1946. 'C_J t _YClerk of _t I _7 -Cityof Kalispell,Kalispell, �Vlontana '4'!0'7 PARK FUND Griffin Park 1100.00 Depot Park 900.100 Golf Course 9000.00 Woodland 900.00 Central School 1500.00 Miscellaneous 1504.00 23504.00 WATER, WORKS kUND Wages & Salaries 23700.00 Materials & Supplies 3050-00 Capital Expense 40000.00 Sewage Plant & Miscl. 14260.00 Interest 10750-00 91760.00 LIBRARY FUND 'Napes & Salaries 5340.00 Material & Supplies 25�-PO.0() 7920.00 BAND FUND Concerts 1700.00 Music & ReDairs 1900,00 3600.00 POLTCE PMTSION Pensions 1p'50.00 1F' SO. C)o AVIATION Insurance "'5.00 Improvements 400.00 485.0o A--,,,7B-ULANCE FUND 3263.00 3263-00 POST WAR STREET 10583-00 105,';3-00 S. I. D'. REVOLVING -FUND 111-107.00 1007-00 RECAPITULATION General Fund 115,7139.00 Street Fund 28,,667.00 Park Fund 23,504.00 Library Fund 7,920.00 Water Works Fund 91,760.00 Band Fund 3,600.0o Police Pension, Fund l,F50.00 Ambulance Fund 3,263-00 Aviation Fund 485.00 Post War Street 10,583-00 Special Improvement Revolving 1,007.00 T—OtTi-- 278,378-00 ESTI14ATED 1,EVENUES Ambulance 17,000.00 Interest (General) 10,750.00 Fees &- Permits ti 4,000.00 Police ff W100 Police Coutt 11,000.00 Beer & Liquor Licenses $,500.00 Miscl.RevenuG &- Refunds &. Int an Del. Taxes 2,000.00 Crossing Lights 108.00 Parking Meters :-20,000.00 Rentals (Street) 3,000-00 Gasoline Rp;`und 700-00 Fees & 111embership (Park) 41100.00 2016 Miscellaneous (Park) 600 oo Fees & Fines (Library-) 600:00 Water Sales (Water Works) 75,200.00 Aviation Tlentals 420.00 Police Pension Fees 275.00 Passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell this Myth day August" 1946. Approved by the Mayor this 5th day of August, 1946. S. Cameron Mayor Attest: C. 11. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 5th day of August, 1946. _71—fy ­Cleik of the City of 'ffWfifipi�ff_