Resolution 2031 - Resolution of Intent - SID 265RESOL'TTI`Y_ 2031. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIC CITY OF KAL- ISPELL, IVIONTANA: Section 1. That it - 4S the intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Mottana'to create a special improvement district, hereby designated as Special Im- provement District No. 265*1,and said Improvement Dis- trict shall be for Block 148, Addition No. 1, Kalispell 11ownsite, and also for the Block North of Block 1487 bew tween 6th and 7th Aveni3es `:Vest North and between Wash- ington and Oregon Street, Commenc4ng at a point rhich is the South property line of Lots 1 and 12, Block 151, and ex- tending North on the center line of said alley a distance of approximately 735 feet, more or less. Section 2. 'ih,�t the general character of the improvements Vo—be made in said proposed special improvement district is the installation of a sanitary sewer with necessary a.ppurten-- ances, Section 3,, 'hat the approximrte cost )f sa4Ld imp-rovements is g1920.00 an approximate cost of IFF0.00 per lot. Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such im- provements shall be assessed against e,,ch lot ,rTithn slach district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost which its :Irea bears to the area of the entire district. Section 5. That said aFsissment shall be paid far in three e�ual annual installments hereby extended over a period of three years. Said assessment shall. constitute a fund to be known as Special Improvement "istrict Fund No. 265. Section 6. That said improvemtns shall be paid for In Special Improvement District warrants issued against said district in the slim of $100.00 each, bearing Jlntrest at 4 per c,-nt per annum from the date of registrr:tion until called for redemption or paid in full. Section 7, ghat on the 21st day of Augustl 1946, at the Council. Council Chambers in the City Hnll of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. an , adjourned meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvements or the creation of such district, Section 8.The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publication and mailing as required "I"y law, such pub- lication to be made in the Kalispell Times, at weekly newspaper published in the City of Kalispelli Montana. Passed and approved this fifth day of August, 1946. Cameron Mayor Attest: C. H. Brewer Tt_y__Me1;7 I,C.H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting hold this "5th day of August, 1946. City Clerk Of the City of Kalispell