Resolution 2022 - Public Employees Retirement FundR �.';�OLTTHON W. 2022
0 �. L� Z'LL, T, () N
ON TH12, 7th day of June, 1946, adopted as Resolution of In-
tention to establish a Retirement System for the employees
of sue,11 City upon the identical terms, conditions, rights,
nrivileges and plan provided by the Public Employees Re-
tirement Act to become offective July let, 1946, as will
more fully appear by the orieInal Resolution Of Intentions
herein referred to for particulars, and
WHERI-IS, an election was held on the 11�th day of June, 1946,
between the hours of 9-.00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the office
of the Clerk of -,aid City of Kalispell and the total. voto
cast at slIch ejection �qas M. of which number 32 iotod in
favor of said 'Jesolution, anz None voted as op7osing said
I �orlty of the �ligih
Resolution, and, that a may le individual
employees affected by such Resolution thereby voted in favor
of participating in said 7ietirempnt System, and
?11:171,RTAS, the Certificate of the Clerk of City of Kalispell
filed with this Council shows that 41 employees are eligible
for membership in said Retirement System; that 4 employees
indicated by signing a Statement oft',Iithdrawal an the
Reverse of their 'employees Statement of ,,m_ploy�ient CZecord
(PERS-1) Card that they did not desire to participate In
such -Ratirement Systeri; that more than 75% of the ell ' Fible
employees have, signed up as desiring membership and parti-
cipat-4on in the Public Zmployee Retirement System,
NOW TH_eRi 110R[P,:
B] IT H:�MBY R.aiMOVTZ, that the I.Tayor and. City Clerk be and
they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and siL�n
on behalf of the City
� of Kalispell with the Board of 1id-
ministration of the Public -Employees Retirern.qnt System,
of the State of TvIontana, a contract carrying out the pur-
pose and extent of this Resolution; that all of the right,
duties, privileges, benefit$ and payments provided by the
Public Employees Retirement Act (Chapter 212 Session Laws
of Montann, 1945) shall apply to those employees of this
body who have not withdrawn from participation therein;
that such contract shall apply as of the Ist day of July, 1946;
that the City Clerk shall withhold and deduct from the
salaries earned and paid to such employee member of the
Syata= the rate of normal contribution prescribed by
Regulation No. 2 of the Dotard of Administration of the
Public Employees Retirement System, and shall deduct each
year from the first salary earned and paid to such employee
member the membership fe-� of $1.00 for the f1scel year as
provided In Regulation No. 5 of said " Poard; that this body
hereby contracts with and binds the said City of Kalispell
to -pay over the sun of three percent (3%) on the',total
amount of the salaries earned and paid to such employee
members of the Retirement System to said. Board of Ad-
ministration, at such tinies as the amount thereof shall be
dotermined, reconciled. and reaquested by said Hoard of
Administration; that in the event svibs,�quont Legizlativ,a
Assemblies of the State of I'lontane, shall amend the said
Public _1i,-2playaes Retirement Aot as to its benefits, rig,!its
payments or the contribution rate applicable, to the Stat,,
of Montana, or its political subdivisions and public
agencies, the contract hereby estpblished and set up
shall be amended to corresDond thereto and such amendments
shall be made a nart of this Resolution and contract
Passed and approved this 1st day :of Tuly, 1946.
D. S. Cayr,.Oron
Pittest - It. Brewer
City Clark
I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby
certify that the above, re.,zolution m-s tidopted by the, Council
of said City at a meciting held this Ist Clay of Ju2y, 1-946.
C i t, 17C =1