Resolution 2017 - Extends Corporate LimitsIM 201-7 Q R,:,4,'SOLUTTO!T EXT1NDING THIE? CORPORAT-] LIMITS OF TIHIE CITY OF KALT'SMML AM Da.,SCRIBITIG 9101MDART`�S 77':,­Ti, F. BE IT RESCLIT,"D IRY THE CITY COTMCIL 01" TH,"; CITY OF KALISPELL, MOIN"I'AHA: S�OICTION 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No, 0-050-f-tie City of Kalispell, entitled "RESOLUTION OF INT.�,NTION TO 7.XTM TH':i,' CORPORATE LI17TS OF TH7i, CITY OF 1-KALTSP--ML AND DiZCRIBI!JG TIED'. BOUNDARIw;S 111H1REPOF". and after a hearing hold at the regular meeting of said City Council on June 3, 1946 at 7:30 o'clock P. Y. purzuent to such resolution and, notice thereof duly given by publication and mailing as required by law, and a further hearing held at an adjourned meeting June 13, 1946, at 1:00 o'clock P. 1,1., the boundaries or corporate limits of the City of Kalispell are hereby extended so as to embrace and include that portion of the tract:, or parcels of land described in si,ic1li Resolution of Intention T,,To. 2003, as are hereinafter described and.suchdescribed tracts or parcels of land are hereby declared. to be annexed to, and to be n r ' >art of the City of Kalispell and lt,,iri thlthe corporate limit's thereof; the time when the resolution shall go into affect and the extention of the boundaries of the, City of Yulispell by the inclusion of said described tracts or parcels of land ,wit ' Yi the boundaries or corporate, limits of Kalispell being hereby declared and fixed as the 20th day of June, 1946. SICTTON 2. The trs.ct,or parcals of land so embraced and incluTe—dwithin the boundaries of the City of Kalispell as herein nrovidled are nFirticularly described a.,,-, toliows: Beginn- ing at a point where the present City limits intersects the South boundary line of the Great Northern Railroad Company's right -of -way, approximately on the center line of 8th Jve. Wast extended, thence in a '11111sterly direction along tha South boundary line of said rip.ht-of-way to an inter.. ection with the 617est boundt,,.ry line of A,Ieridian Rn,,d or County Tli�hway; thence South on said boundary line to its intersection with the 'IM'orth line of the of Sea. 1.,3, Twp. 28, 1R. 22; thence on the North boundary line of the SE42/N%� of Sec. 13, TLWp. 28 a distance of 792 feet, more or less,, to an int=;rsoction with the y,ast boundary line of the right-of-way of the Great North- ern 1�ailwayCompanyls Sewers' Branch; thence along said !,asturri boundary in a South-easterly direction, a distance of 725 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Storm's addi- tion according to the map or plat thereof on file and of r.cord in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of FIFithead County,; thence ,,ast on a line eat right angles to the '~'Jest boundary of 14eridian Road, a distance of approxim.etely 500 feet, to a point 150 feet West of the ,Iest boundary of Meridian Road; thence at right angles in a Southerly direction and parallel with the West boundary line of Meridian Road for a distance of 320 feet; thence East at a riEht angle, a distance of lbO feet to the intersection of the Waot boundary line of Yeridian road; thence :: outii aloii6 the Vizst boundary of 1_'eridian Road, a distance? of 620 feet more or lost to an intersection with the South boundary line extended, of Custer Avenuo of Ashley Townsite as shown on the maj) ors plat of Ashley Townsslto now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montana; thence Easterly alone, the South boundary line of said Custer Avenue to the Northwest corner of Block :3 of said Ashley Townsite; the-;.nca in a Northeasterly direction to the North- west corner Of flock 3 of r Fishe' -- addition to Kalispell as ' shown by the map or plat eraof 'dh file. and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, 13iontana; thence in an 'a.asterly direction along, the North boundRry of said Block 3 of said Ficher's Addition to an in- M tersection with the West boundary line of Ilth Avonue W� st of' Kalispel-1; thence in a 8outhe7ly directioil alonU. the, `,'Zest bmmdary line of Ilth Avenue "Iest to an intersection with the cen- ter line Of 8th Street �,Ilost of Kalispell; thence �-,n an ..'acterly direction along thq canter line of 8th Stroet rV t to an Intir- seation vil ' th the City 11-E i - ts line of Kalispell as novi astnblished; thence in a No-rtherly d!rection alcnC said city 1-11:.,2t, line to an intersection wits the South boundnry line of the riL-rht-cf-4AFrly of the Gre,t 'Torthc,,rn Rail,�ruy Cor:�pan,,, �e e t -, place of beginning. Pas:ed and approved b-, the, City Council of Kalispell th.IF, 21th day of June, 1946. - 17. -'. Caion "T ;�S- CiH. Brewer ty Clerk 1, 0. H. 73rovier, Clerk of the Gity of Kalispell do hereby cu'Itifv that the above res,.olution was adopted by the Council of said City at a rreet-Ing held this 20th day of ,Tuna, 1946.