Resolution 1959 - Emergency - Budget - Street Dept,-: - () D --) I � �7 IT a v 1 VIX)IWAOL DAMARINA "''HA"" nU"S,. , �cr ;AFC iI .'J,,D '-71i;',7 IT IS NECT31ARY TO MAL71 IMMOTURES TE WON OF 'FIT AM= MUM 77 7M OTMRMT' TT'r"11 77 0' .. ,77—� 6 becrwsa of weather conditions it became necessary to clear all gutters and alleys fcr draimage the 3treet budget waa eawwded in On armunt of 36w"v. 17, by the City Council of t,,I(-, City of I.,alispell that by reason of the fact as hersin aboVe stated, an is dea3wed to e,,,j.s,. under the provisions of -iectioL W83-6 of the i?evised Codes of iMlorittina, i�3b, arid an expenditure of in tile ea cars of the current budget for the street Fund. is liereby authorized for the purpose herein set forth and emergency warrants be drawn u-ainst the 3treet Fund and the City Treasurer is authorized and directed to Pay sucil warrants vilith any T,011ey in sucii fund that is available and if' there is not suffiCient MOneY �n sl,011 fundto pay said viarrants, then the same s'inll he re,istercd and bear intezest and be called for paraent in the marner provided by law for ctfte,,- City Viarrant3. Passes and al)pro,ved t - his All day of -uly, 1,J44. ; Ma Attest:---- C,'.-TT. -3revaer city clerk !, C. M. Breaer, Clerk of the City of Lalispell, do hereby certify t.hat, the above resolution vias adopted by the Council of said City at a z-,aeetin�held this -1th day of Iuiy, 1j44. C WAS VVY Glerk of tde City of Kalispell