Resolution 1957 - Changes Names and Boundaries of Oil Sprinkling Districts131
SECTION I. That the Oil. Sprinkling Districts of the City of Kalispell Numbered
One, Two and Three shall be changed and consolidated to form and be known as Oil
Sprinkling District Number Five.
SECTION II. That the boundaries and area of such former Oil Sprinkling Districts
Numbered one, Two and Three shall be and form the boundary and area of such new Oil
Sprinkling District Number Five and that the boundary and area of said Oil Sprinkling
District Number Five shall be and are hereby fixed and defined as follows:
All the lots and tracts within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell
(with the exceptions hereinafter stated) within or abutting or adjoining on the
following described boundary line, to -wit:
Beginning at the intersection of Eighth avenue West and South Railroad Street;
thence East on South Railroad Street to Fifth Avenue West; thence North on Fifth
Avenue West to an extension westerly of North Railroad Street; thence westerly on
such extension of North Railroad Street to Sixth Avenue Vest North; thence North on
Sixth Avenue West North to Montana Street; thence West on Montana Street to Seventh
Avenue finest North; thence North on Seventh Avenue West North to Idaho Street; thence
East on Idaho Street to Fifth Avenue West North; thence North on Fifth Avenue West
North to Washington Street; thence East on Washington Street to Second Avenue West
.North; thence North on Second Avenue Vest North to Wyoming Street; thence Lust on
Wyoming Street to Second Avenue East North; thence South on Second Avenue East North
to California Street; thence East on California Street to Seventh Avenue East North;
thence South on Seventh Avenue East North to Idaho Street; thence West on Idaho Street
to Fifth Avenue East North; thence South on Fifth Avenue :fast North to Montana Street;
thence West on Montana Street to Fourth Avenue East North; thence gouth on Fourth
Avenue East North to South Railroad Street; thence East on South Railroad Street to
Woodland Avenue; thence Southerly on Woodland Avenue to Sixth Street; thence Best on
Sixth Street to Sixth Avenue East; thence South on Sixth Avenue East to Thirteenth
Street; thence Vest on Thirteenth Street to South Main Street; thence North on
South Main Street to Twelfth Street; thence west on Twelfth Street to Third Avenue
West; thence North on 'Third Avenue West to Eleventh Street; thence West on Eleventh
Street to Seventh Avenue West; thence Noah ?n Seventh Avenue West to Ninth Street;
thence West on Ninth Street to Eighth Avenuk; thence North on Eighth Avenue West to
South Railroad Street, the place of beginning.
There shall also be included in said Oil Sprinkling District Numbe, Five all
lots abutting on or adjoining Seventh Street West from Eighth .Avenue Vest to Tenth
Avenue West and on Sixth Street West from Eighth Avenue Priest to Ninth Avenue West and
on Third Avenue East from Thirteenth Street to Fourteenth Street and on First Avenue
West from Twelfth Street to the City Limits.
There shall be excluded however from said Oil Sprinkling District Number Five
an area included within the boundary of the Water Sprinkling District of Kalispell,
which excluded area is particularly described as follows, to -wit:
All lots abutting or adjoining on Main Street between South Railroad Street
and .Fourth Street and on First Avenue East between South Railroad Street and Fourth
Street and on First Street from the alley between Alain Street and First Avenue West
to the Alley between V°irot and Second Avenues East and on Second Street from Second
Avenue West to Second 4V.64ue East and on Third Street from Second Avenue West to
Second Avenue .Last
SECTION III, Wherever in this resolution the term "on" or "along" is used with
reference to a Street ear Alley it shall mean on or along the center line of such
Street or Alley and Wherever the expression "to" a Street or Alley is used it shall
mean to an intersection with the center line of such Street or Alley or to an
extension thereof e,s the case may be.
SECTION IV. The Oil Sprinkling Districts Numbered One, Two, and Three here-
tofore existing are hereby dissolved and all monies in or that shall or may accrue
to and be paid to the funds of said Oil Sprinkling Districts Numbered One, Two
and Three or any of them shall be transferred to, paid into and become a part of
the funds of said Oil Sprinkling District Number Five.
SECTION V. All Resolutions and parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed.
SECTION VI. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Resolution
shall be and become effective upon its passage and approval by the Mayor and
City Council.
D. S. Cameron
Attest: C. H. Brewer
City Clerk
I, C. B. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above
resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 94th
day of May, 1944.
City Clerk of the City of Kalispell