Resolution 1968 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Lighting District 51ME 7301TTT-, ON NO. 1968 ,fit: O LUTT 01' 1 OF ILTEh70h mO ' 'CIAL LIGHTII,,G, DISTRICT NO. bl. 3PE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY GOTIN011, OF 'THE (J'117 OF KALlSPELL, 1101,'TANA 5-111CTIOTd 1. That Special lighting District po. bl shall be changed to include lots 7 to 12 inclusive, Block 24, and � 1, Kalispell original, ,ots 7 to 12 inclusive, 91ock �, 'bboth being adjacent to the intersection of First Avenue East ,north and Lorth Railroad Street. SM1210h �. "flat part of paragraph Lo. 4, section 4, Resolu tion yo. 13 6, which excluded those lots, shall be null and void. '1013re, . That the entire cost of maintaininthe light at this intersection shall be distributed evenly between the above lots except that portion which is paid from the Gener,al Fund of the City of" Kalispell. "TIC11 4. That upon installation of this liglit, the lot owner or oviners shall pay to the City —reasurer a sum equal to the proportionate part of the 1944 assessment which shall ',)e deposited to the credit of li�mht Distrite No. bl and that thereafter the aboye lots shrill be included in the 3pecial Assessment list. Passed and approved this 6th--day of 1,ovember, 1,.4,L4 Mayor I%Ittest: C. if. Brewer city, cierlc 1) t_ `% Prover, Clerk of the Gity of Kalispell, do liereby certify that the above resolution ja6 adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting uald tills C)tjj dar of Toveiiiber, 1�44. City Clerkofthe City of (�ali �spe