Resolution 1967 - Tax LevyHESOLTTTIOTRO. 1�67 A Y11,C, r`71" 1111TAL "r'A-. 1-',PVy FOR "rH71, CITY OF P101, U1 A FOR THE `,PATIJ 11!44. IT `1E3OLVTD 3Y ",M CITY COTTIkC-Fi OF --;,'T�, CITY OF KAI-131'ELL: Section 1. That there is ilareby levied ul,,,an "each and every dollar tine tuxuloie valuation of t,je city of j>ajj,,jpe or the year 11J44, the folio-tiiiii.- levies: Jontana, MjhD ID- Ll General li.00 3trect 8, Alley b.00 "ark Library I 3and City Debt 5.2 Police pensi,n 1.0 "Lier!,,ei)cy elief To teal Fa8ged by the City Council of tlLe City of Yqjispell, this l4tti day of �ugust, 1-d44. 3. Cameron .-ayor Attest: —C.-71. Bre�qer City Clerk T - Tlr(, -1 e r , Kal i ST)eil , do lie re ')y C. 11 Clerk n-P tllp City 041 certi-f' , T that the above resolution vansadopted by the Council of SRi4d Citv a" a rieetin,--,, held this 14th day of AuFust, i4-1. Clit'17 ciel,k. Of the ("ity of i.,-Ullispeil