Resolution 1981 - Budget - SalariesRESOLUTION NO. 1981 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1945-46. BE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE CITY COtINCII, OF THE CITY OF YALISrELLi MONTANA: Section 1. That the budget for the fiscal year 1945-46 shall be as follows: GENERAL FUND City Council Wages & Salaries $2064.00 Maintenance & Operation 125.00 $2169.00 City Clerk Wgges & Salaries 4000.00 TM.gaterials & Supplies 1000.00 5000.00 City Treasurer Wages & Salaries 3000.00 Material & Supplies 525.00 3525.00 City Engineer Wgges & Salaries 2000.00 Material & Supplies 300.00 2300.00 City Attorney Wages & Salaries 1320.00 Material & Supplies 1510.00 2630.00 Police Court Wages & Salaries 1550.00 Material & Supplies 150.00 Jurors & Witnesses 50.00 1750.00 Police Department Wages & Salaries 15756.00 Material k, Supplies 3490.00 19246.00 Pound Wages &- Salaries 300.00 Material Ay Supplies 700.00 1000.00 Fire Department Wages &.Salaries 17659.00 Material & Supplies 850.00 Equipment 2206.00 20715.00 City Hall Maintenance & Operation 5000.00 5000.00 State Examiner Inspection Fee 200.00 200.00 Board of Health Wages & Salaries 1400.00 Material & Supplies 600.00 2000.00 Accident Insurance Premiums 3200.00 3200.00 General Expense 3150.00 3150.00 Street Lighting City Portion 4000.00 4000.00 STREET FUND Street Department Wages & Salaries 13500.00 Material & Supplies 6700.00 20200.00 Warehouse Material & Supplies 1()00.00 1000.00 CITY DEBT' Bond Interest &, Sinking Fund 24180.83 24180.83 'ARK FUND Griffin Park 300.00 Depot Park 1200.00 Golf Course 7000,00 Woodland Park 6500.00 Central Park 100.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 15400.00 ,VATER WORKS FTM, Wages & Salaries 18780.00 Material & Supplies 2400.00 Interest 21500.00 Miscellaneous 10200.00 Sewage Plant 4000.00 56880.00 LIBRARY FIND Wages k. Salaries 4710.00 Material &,, Supplies 2600.00 7310.00 BAND FUND Concerts 3500.00 Alusic &, Repairs 325.00 3825.00 POLICE PENSION Pensions 1850.00 1850.00 Aviation Insurance 85.00 2epairs 400.00 485.00 AIMBTTL0",E FTMD Wages & Salaries 600.00 Gas, Oil & Repairs 300.00 900.00 RRCAPrrTff ATION General Fund $7610.5.00 Street Fund 21200.00 Park Fund 15400.00 Library Fund 7310.00 Water Works Fund 56M .00 City Debt 24180.83 Band Fund 3825.00 Police Pension Fund 1850.00 Ambulance Fund 900.00 Aviation Fund 485.00 Post War Street 7700.00 Total 215835.83 ESTTVATED Rh7TM.TFS Ambulance 1 900.00 Fees & Permits (Gen.) 600.00 Police 800.00 Police Court 3500.00 Interest Water Dept. " 21500.00 Del. Taxes " 400.00 leer Fs Liquor Licenses 6100.00 Miscl. Revenue 8, Refunds It 223.00 Rentals (Street) 2500.00 Gasoline Refund 500.00 Fees & Membership (Park) 2250.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 Fees & Fines (Library, 400.00 ,ientals (Aviati n) 420.00 7olice Pension 65.00 'Water Sales (Waterworks) 58075.00 Total 96483.00 Passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, this 13th day of august, 1945. Approved by the Mayor this 13th day of Augustt �1945. D. S... Cameron Mayor ' Attest: C. H. Brewer City Clerk 1, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of K li 1 do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted b; t:peC �noil of said City at a meeting held this 13th day of August, 194�. City Clerk of the City of Kalispell