Resolution 1971 - Transfers FundsRMSM UTIOV 1110.1'J?l TRES01,7TIONT 'nRAE3F7RIFG CERTAIF FTTLIDS 1h TTTV- CITY TR747,ASITRY. 9'r', IT "?,--1,3OlVED 9Y 'PT7, CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF KALISPELL: That the followinl- transfers of funds be made: From the Funding 7ond Interest Fund to the Funding 2 ond Sinking Fund the sum of .14 V� . 42 Four hundred ninety-nine dollars and forty two cents. The reason for this transfer :is tiiat the !Funding 3ond Interest Fund ekceeda the at.,iount of outstanding interest coupons by this amount. !�'rori the f7,urbuge ?Fund to the V,ater 3prinkiing Fund the sum of -�Ib43. bO One thousand five hundred fort,,., three dollars anti fifty cents. The reason for this transfer is that for several years, labor has been performed in cleaning the alleys in the business district and has been paid frovi the ""'ater 31)rinklin,7 Fund while the collection )r this service has been depbsited to the credit of the "arlba;,e Fund. Passed and approved this Z.10th day of December, le,44 Calueron 'Tayor Attest - C. 11. '3rower City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the Cit,of Kalispell, do hex*eby certify that the above resolution ias. tadopted by the Council of scid City at a rxqeetin,- held this 28th day of December, i,�44, city nerk or the ntl: 77TE73peli