The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Chad Graham, Charles Pesola, Rory
Young, Matt Regier, Steve Lorch and Karlene Osorio-Khor. Tom
Jentz, Kevin LeClair and P.J. Sorensen represented the Kalispell
Planning Department.
Pesola moved and Lorch seconded a motion to approve the minutes
of the August 12, 2014 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission.
Osorio-Khor moved and Young seconded a motion to amend the
minutes of August 12, 2014 on page 13 under Board Discussion the
1st paragraph as follows: "Osorio-Khor said based on the board's
policy on ethics and since she lives in this neighborhood and has
actively participated in contacting the neighbors regarding the
parking district she should recuse herself from discussions and
votes on this issue. The other board members thought that was
The motion to amend the minutes of August 12, 2014, as noted
above passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation.
The motion, as amended, passed unanimously on a vote by
A request from APEC Engineering, on behalf of Captain's Marine
(Somers Bay Trading Co. LLC), for a Planned Unit Development
for the development of a boat and trailer sales and service facility
consisting of 14,900 square feet of sales, offices, and service areas
on the main floor and 1,800 square feet of offices on the second
level. The PUD proposal also includes associated parking,
landscaping, and public utility connections and extensions as
needed or required. The property is located at 3215 Highway 93
Kevin LeClair, representing the Kalispell Planning Office reviewed
Staff report KPUD-14-01 for the board.
LeClair said the request is for the development of a boat and trailer
sales and repair facility consisting of 14,900 square feet on the
main floor of sales, office, and service areas and then a second
story of approximately 1800 square feet of offices to support the
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uses on the main floor. The proposal also includes parking lot
improvements, landscaping, a pedestrian and bicycle trail along the
Highway 93 frontage of the property, and the development of a
stonnwater management facility on the eastern portion of the
LeClair reviewed renderings of the proposed facility, a site plan
where he described the location of the building, the parking and
landscaping and access points onto Highway 93. The applicant's
engineer has indicated that the balance of the property would be
maintained in its current status for expansion in the future.
LeClair noted this property is near the southern end of the Gardner
Investments PUD placeholder which was enacted in 2008 when the
nine parcels of land were annexed into the city with an initial
zoning of B-5. The PUD placeholder was a commitment from the
Gardner's to develop a full PUD plan for the properties and a
guarantee from the city that the properties would have access to
city water and sewer service. The application before the board is
the full PUD for a portion of this property.
LeClair reviewed the site plan for the board. He indicated there are
several residences on the northeast portion of the property being
used as rentals which they intend to discontinue in the future and
remove the structures; a carport, large pole storage building and a
workshop/storage building that was formerly the Northwestern
Truss assembly area. The depression area on the eastern part of the
property is where the stormwater management pond is proposed.
The growth policy designation is mixed use commercial and urban
development which is consistent with the B-5 PUD overlay placed
on the property. Since that time the southern portion of the
Highway 93 Alternate Route was constructed and comes into
Highway 93 just north of this site. As part of the future land use
map in the growth policy there are key connections identified
including a transportation connection where the bypass connects
with Highway 93 which would be seen as an ideal access point into
the entire mixed use commercial subdivision. The land use map
also shows a road system perpendicular to this property that would
serve as a frontage road that would allow for more efficient use of
the eastern portions of these narrow, deep properties that otherwise
would-be under-utilized.
LeClair said the proposal on the table is for a boat and trailer sales
and repair facility on the western 3rd or 3.7 acres of the overall site.
The balance of the property would be saved for future expansion
and would require a PUD application for, that portion of the
property at the time it is developed.
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Staff recommends that the Kalispell Planning Board adopt staff
report KPUD-14-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the
Kalispell City Council that the planned unit development for
Captain's Marine be approved subject to the 17 conditions listed in
the staff report.
Osorio-Khor asked about Condition #5 as it relates items 1, 2, & 3
in the letter from the applicant dated August 5, 2014.
LeClair said item 1 is in reference to access onto Highway 93 and
MDT has approved the proposed access points.
Item 2 is the access easement that runs parallel to the northern
property line and the owner needs to be granted the use of that
Under item 3 the extension of United Drive is seen as the internal
road system envisioned as part of a build out of this mixed use
commercial PUD development. The Gardner's own the property
directly to the north and the Captain's Marine property has right to
that access easement that would connect to the northern boundary
of their property. Because the developer is only developing the
western 3.7 acres they don't require access from the north at this
time so therefore Condition #5 leaves the connection to the
Gardner's PUD to a later date when the owner decides they would
like to develop the balance of the property and connect with that
easement to the north.
Osorio-Khor asked if this would be a requirement of this owner in
the future with further development and LeClair said we don't
know what future development might look like on the property but
at this point there is not a warrant for having an internal road
system but it will need to be addressed with further development
based on the impacts of the proposed development.
Lorch said it seems this is one tract, the 3.7 acres plus the area
where there are the three residences and the potential for another
business and asked how can another use be addressed without
subdivision. LeClair said the other buildings are owned by the
Somers Bay Trading Company and are considered accessory
structures to the principle use and therefore do not run afoul of any
subdivision regulations. LeClair added if they decide t -expand or
change those uses in the future staff would look at it again under
another PUD application and perhaps at that time would decide a
subdivision would be an appropriate avenue.
Graham said this is one lot and asked if the city has ever approved
a PUD on lh of a lot? LeClair said a PUD can be approved on a
portion of a property and the placeholder would stiirl5e in effect on
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the balance of the property. Graham asked if that will be covered
under this PUD and LeClair said as the condition is written there
will be a full PUD application for another phase of development on
the remainder of the property so staff can determine impacts and
the appropriate course of action based on the proposal. Graham
said that would be the time the connection to the Gardner
placeholder PUD would take place and LeClair said yes.
Graham asked why is there a difference in the width for an asphalt
bike path v. a concrete bike path noted in Condition #8. LeClair
explained an asphalt path requires a gravel apron on either side in
order to hold the asphalt up and concrete has the rigidity on the
Graham asked for the location of the water line and LeClair said
the water line runs on the other side of Highway 93 until just south
of this property and then comes across the highway. The developer
will be required to run the line up the front of this property to the
northern boundary for other development that might happen further
to the north. LeClair noted the plans indicating the current location
are not accurate because the water line is not currently accessible to
this property.
Graham asked for information on connecting the stormwater to the
stormwater retention pond on the eastern edge of the property and
LeClair deferred to the engineers on how that will work.
Osorio-Khor noted the plans are different than what was proposed
at the work session and LeClair said it is similar as the eastern
portion was still being considered for future expansion and the
developer was not sure what the long-range plan was for the
remainder other than having future storage buildings along the
northern boundary. Osorio-Khor added her impression was if the
developer had to put the connecting road in the burden would be
too heavy and it would take a considerable amount of their
property away. LeClair said as noted the trips generated from this
proposed use does not warrant building the connection at this time.
Kim Larson, APEC Engineering stated he is representing Somers
Bay Trading Company and he also attended the work session last
month. Larson distributed copies of a site plan that indicates they
have development plans for the entire property not just the 3.7
acres. He expressed their concern that city staff would require
another PUD application for the remainder when their intent is for
this PUD to cover the entire parcel. The rental properties will soon
be evacuated and they will ensure the buildings, when designed,
will meet the building codes in relation to construction and fire
standards. They have access to Highway 93 and would prefer to
limit access to nitedDrive. Their engineers have been working on
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the utilities for the entire property.
In light of the information provided Larson said they have issues
with Condition #5. They also have concerns with the loss of
property and cost for bringing United Drive through their property,
if required.
Larson noted they would be happy to provide additional
information, even if it causes a delay, to show the phasing of the
property and location of the buildings.
Osorio-Khor asked if their intent was to move forward on the
proposal presented that would cover the entire property with one
PUD and Larson said yes. Marc Liechti, APEC Engineering added
their overall intent was to develop the entire property and if
necessary to do that they would accept a delay.
Graham said he remembered from the work session the main issue
was the connector road going through the property. Graham added
he was not expecting the proposal for the entire PUD as he thought
the solution was for the PUD to be the for the 3.7 acres which
would mitigate the road problem until the remainder of the
property was developed and at that time the road connection would
be satisfied as a part of the Gardner placeholder PUD.
LeClair said it appears there is a communication breakdown
between staff and the applicant and their engineers. It was our
understanding that staff was making a way to move forward with
the development that they proposed and the drawing handed out
tonight is not something that staff had seen before. LeClair felt it
would be appropriate to continue the PUD to a future meeting so
that staff can take a look at a PUD for the development of the entire
Randall Seyfert, Somers Bay Trading Company and owner of
Captain's Marine stated the intent of buying the property is they
have outgrown their current facility and intended to develop all 10
acres so he could expand and grow his business. He was not
planning to have a road easement through the property and didn't
intend to subdivide it.
Lorch moved and Pesola seconded a motion to adopt staff report
KPUD-14-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell
City Council that the planned unit development for Captain's
Marine be approved subject to the 17 conditions listed in the staff
Lorch moved and Pesola seconded a motion to table the Captain's
Marine PUD until a work session can be held or until the October
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14, 2014 meeting.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
A request from residents in the vicinity of Flathead High School
and Elrod Elementary School in Kalispell's historic west side
neighborhood to create a residential parking permit program that
would require residents of the neighborhood to purchase and
display a parking permit on their vehicle in order to legally park on
the street from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, during the
months when school is in session.
The next regular planning board meeting is scheduled for October
14, 2014 beginning at 7:00 p.m. and located in the Kalispell City
Council Chambers, 201 lst Avenue East, Kalispell.
ad G aham
APPROVED as submitted/corrected: /0 / /I
Michelle Anderson
Recording Secretary
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2014
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