Resolution 1983 - Resolution of Intent - SID 247,EOLUTIJ-'," NO. 1983 -?ES,")ITTTI OF TITNTENTloH TO CR't�ATE SPECIAL 11'TPROVIEHIEINT DISTRICT NO. e047 "HY, CITY COTM,CIL OF .5111 IT 111',�,ISOLVED '3Y I _LIJTE"' Cj[Y OF KALIS.."ELL, 111,01,1TAINA. Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Couricil of the City of Kalispell to create a special ii,,iprove,,,,ent district, hereby designated,� as Spcci4,,.l Improvemlicnt 1)istrict 1�3o. 247, and the baunftries '-f :aid proposed special Amprovement district are de- clared to be follov,,s: Commencing at a point which is the southern boundary of First Street between -ain Street and First Avenue es,'- and extending South a distance of ]�OG feet, �threea hund-ro.d feet) to the iiorth bomclary of second 6,treet, Jaid district com- prising s,tiat is as the alley of "-31ock 46 Kalispell Original Twwnsite. Section Th�)t the general of the im.provements, to be raa,de 'Ln said -�;rop<)sed specin], i-aProve'lent district is the ills tallation of r.n re- inforced cone.-cete pavenent. Section �. That the approxjTA,^t(,, cost of sj.jd improvements is 4 . 'hat the entire cost (>:rpe-,nyse of such improvements shalibe asessed al,inst each lot witl':lin such -!.1st-rJct to be for thin t p,��.rt of the cost ,"Jlhich its qrr-a bears to the are� of the ontire district. � 1ectl' - S 1-I'm 5. Tbt said m�sessraent shall lbe Daid for in equal installments )-l.preby extended over a period of three years. Said assosFmcnts ooll- stitute a fi3zid to be known. es Special Iraprovement District No. 24-7. Section 6, T'hat said im" i ')rovemonts sI-Lall be paid for i by Speca! Improvement issuccl ,against satid district In the suln of "!,100.00 (one hundred dollars) e,--Ich� bP,,lr!n,g interc,st at 4"' (four per-c�,�nt) per annim from the date, of regJs- tration until called for reden,,pt;ion or paid in full.. 3 e c t i o n 7. Th,-t c)n tt�e 7th day of January 10,46 at the Co-lmcil Chambers in the City : sll of the, City of Kalispell, 'P.ontana, at 7.3'.) i. ' enA-a:r -,?1eetine, ti,,e, City Coijncll will hear and pass unon a!] such 11.be ::aide:-ht -,aay ::aide:again-ma st the lling of such i-mprovements or the cr-,ation of such district. S e c t I c, n et. The City ClerV is hc-,7,eby amthorize'J and. - to 7iirected ve the proper notice of the passage of t'r,is resolution by publication and nallin, n s requlrerl the 1"'nlis Poll by such nublic,�,-,tj.on to be :,- 1�' t publishel in Lhla City of Timesl .,, weekLy news-pa..per 1'411isDel1, Hlont,�.ma. Passed and nDj)roved, P e n __,a y of Dec ber, 1945 "11a) Y 0 r D city Clrkk 1, C. f.% Brewer, Clerk of the City of t Iispell, do hereby ce7�tify that th.e, .hove, Fdo-oted bv the Coma .cil of s-id City at as mee,.ting held this 3rd day of December, 1945. 'ity Clerk of the City of Ka-lisnell. !,aIontana