Resolution 2020 - Resolution of Intent - SID 260• R_',,'SOLT7M11 ITO. 2Q20 i - R 1 -1 TO CR'AT­ `_"CI,�L U,� ' I " " ­7 ESOLUT1011 OF INTL111TI0.1% L - E S1 - 1PRCA Ir DISTRICT NO. 260. U.Z IT R','M0LV7PD BY TITE CITY 0017TICIL OF -TE CI'Tnr OF 1UJ­'_rSrjLL , NOITTLIITIL: 0 UCT70N 1. That It is the intention of the City Council of the Citir of Kalispoll to cr-��nte a special improver.ent district, hereby desien,it�)d an Specinl lraprovt��in'o�'nt District No. 260, and said IL.provemant Ditttiet shall be for Block 245, Addition No. 7, Kali -spell Townsite, coranencing at a point, which is the center line of _]1eventh Stroat ,R2t fit the Intersection of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Avenues .east, a, concrete raanhole, extending South on the oonter line of the alley of Block 2,45 to a point which is the North property line of Lots 6 and 7, a distance of approximately 285 feet, more or loss. S.CTION 2. That the eoneral character of the improve- ments to b=r-3 made in said proposee special improvement dis- trict is the installation of a sanitary sewer with necessary appurtenances. SECTION 3. That the approximate cost of said improve - vents is t720,00, an approxir,,ate cost of �60.00 per lot. Sj,'CTION 4. That the Intire cost and, expense of such improvements shall be assessed against ,�:ech lot 1vithill such district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district. SECTION 5. That said asse-ssment shall be paid for in three equal annual installments hereby axtanded over a period of three years. Said as:5esament shall constitute a Bind to be known as Special Improvement District Fund No. 260, SECTION 6. That said ir-orovements shall. be paid for in Special Improvement District warrants issued against said district in the stun of "P100.00 each, be nring interest at 4 per cent per annum from the date of registration until called for redeription or paid in full. SaCTION 7. That on the 5th day of August, 1946, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispe'll, T,Tontana, at 7,30 o'clock P. 1,1'., a regular meeting, the City Council will hear, and nf.19S, upon all protests that may be rinde against the makinEP of such improvements or the crea- tion of such district. Z-3CTION P. The City Clerk is hereby autr-orized and. directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publication and mailin(,� as required by lava, such publication to be nnd.e in the Kalispell Times, a weekly newspaner j,'riblislied in the City of Kalispell, Yontana. 'Passed and approved this lst day of July, 1946. D. S. Cazeron M ayo r Attest: C. H. Brewer City Clerk 1, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby certify that the above resolution war, adopted by the Council of said City at a meetl.ng -held. trlis Ist ciHy of July, 1946. City Clerk of the City of Kalil pell, Mont.