2A. Council Minutes - Special Meeting - August 15, 1996A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY A.M. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1996, IN THE HALL IN KALISPELL, MONTANA. MAYOR DOUG MEMBERS JIM ATKINSON, CLIFF COLLINS, GRANMO, DALE HAARR, PAM KENNEDY, DUANE ATTORNEY GLEN NEIER AND INTERIM CITY PRESENT. COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 11:00 COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY RAUTHE PRESIDED. COUNCIL NORBERT DONAHUE, LAUREN LARSON, GARY NYSTUL,-CITY MANAGER AL THELEN WERE Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA APPROVAL Haarr moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon vote. ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Proposed Property Purchase Mike Stocklin, 400 Hilltop, representing the Flathead Business and Industry Association, was concerned about Kelly Main business without proper notification, to be listed as a potential condemned property. ELE Con Lundgren, 137 Fairway Boulevard, spoke against the extension of the TIF. Ken Yachechak, 43 Hillcrest Drive, encouraged the Council to try to find a compromise to provide adequate services and adequate development and meet the needs of the communitv. Milt Carlson, 375 Grandview Drive, requested the Council consider keeping the concept and plan as necessary. Jerry Schnell, 136 Crestline, suggested doing as the mayor suggested, that the existing project could be covered by the present tax funds, without extending into a new tax increment plan. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS rdin n e 7- e e l Or-dinance 1243, an ordinance relatingto the modification of the Kalispell, Montana Urban Renewal lap The Urban Renewal Plan to approve certain projects as urban renewal projects -1st Reading Thelen reported this ordinance would repeal the ordinance that was passed on July 15, 1996 that became effective on August 14, as the ordinance relates to approving urban renewal projects and the authorization of bonds. The relationship of this special meeting was to see if the petition would be filed sufficient to require that this ordinance go to a vote of the people. Based on the information the city attorney received, about 1,050 signatures have been certified. The ordinance is effective. 929 The Council can issue the bonds to go into escrow for 90 days or if a sufficient petition is filed an election would be needed in April. The Council has the authority to issue bonds and take the bonds into escrow until the April election. The other issue that has been discussed is that if the petition comes in after the ordinance becomes effective, the only way to deal with that ordinance is either have a vote of the people in April or to repeal it. The City can complete all of the projects identified in Ordinance 1243 by using the annual increment revenues with temporary borrowing. The major difference, is that if the City doesn't issue the bonds it could not extend the project by 4 years. The opportunity to carry on economic development activities with the use of increment funds after 2002 would be lost. Haarr moved Ordinance 1247, an ordinance to repeal 1243, an ordinance relating to the modification of the Kalispell, Montana Urban Renewal Plan (The Urban Renewal Plan) to approve certain projects as urban renewal projects -1st Reading There was discussion. Larson, Collins and Kennedy spoke in favor of the motion. The motion carried upon roll call vote with Nystul, Collins, Donahue, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson and Mayor Rauthe voted in favor and Atkinson voted against. BUSINESS FROM MAYOR & COUNCIL Patricia Ramsey Death Donahue reported Patricia Ramsey, a former faithful employee of the City passed away recently. He moved to acknowledge that the City Council appreciated her services to the City and offer condolences and sympathy to the members of her family. The motion was seconded. The motion carried unanimously with a vote. Marvin Gabbert's Son Collins noted Marvin Gabbert's son also recently passed away and he will be attending the funeral. BUSINESS FROM MANAGER DUE TO THE VOTE OF THE PRIOR ITEM IT WAS NOT NECESSARY TO ACT ON THIS ITEM. Discussion of a resolution relating to the Kalispell Downtown Redevelopment Project area and Urban Renewal area; authorizing the undertaking of Urban Renewal projects and the issuance and sale of $7.485.000 Tax Increment Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1996, pursuant to Montana Code Annotated, Sections 7-15-4200 and 7-15- 4300, et seq, to pay the costs thereof; prescribing the form an details of such bonds and provisions for their security. STAFF REPORTS Fair Parade August 16, 1996 10:00 a.m. Next Regular Meeting August 19, 1996 7:00 p.m City Picnic August 21, 1995 5:30 p.m. Woodland Park City Council/City Manager Tour August 26, 1996 7:00 p.m. No Meeting September 3, 1996 Next Regular Work Session September 16, 1996 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m. Douglas D. Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: Debbie -Gifford, CMC Clerk of Council