Resolution 2018 - Transfers FundsN RESOLUTIOIT, U0. 2018 JT:SOLTUTICN TR­SF_e,!1IT!(' CSRTI.! ",T F TND IN THE CITY TIREASUN'ff. 13°' IT RESOLVEID -BY 17HE CITY 001,TJNrIL OF THE CITY 0 K,,,�LISPELL: That the following transfer o" funds b-, made From thc- Goneral Fund to the 'i.,%lator Bandr, Fiafunded the sun of "251.76 Three thousand two hundred fifty-one dollars and s-c-venty-siK c,=nts Passed and approved this 20th day of June, 1946. D. S. Camf,;ron I'ayor Attest. C. H. Br�'War City Clerk This transfer is necessary for the retirr'-Iant of all bonds as held by the 1ontana State Board of Land Commissioners. I. C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the Gity of Kal-icpoll do hereby cartify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a r.,�eting hold this 20t,11 day of June,1946. City �Clerk of t�!e_U­ity 0 EajjSp�11, yont.