Resolution 2014 - Resolution of Intent - SID 259T?-'E'SOLITTICIT NO. 2014
KALISP7'1,11, 110VTANA:
SECTION 1. That it is tha intention of the City Council
of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement cistrict
hereby des! hated as 1. Special In - Dis
trict strict No. P.59, and!
said Improvement District shall be for Block 210, Addition No. 7,
Kalispell Townsite commencing at a noint which Jis the centgr
line of 13th Street at the Intersection of the S1107 h`tween 5th
and 6th Avenues, a concrete manhole, extendjnF- North on the, center
line of the alley of Block 210 to a point which -1s thr, South
propaarty line of Lots I and 12, a dis.tanc-,,.e of ;P.pT)roxir,,-,,ately 2185
flet, nlare or less.
SECTT0111 2. That the eqn9rnl charact,rr of the improven.ents
to b:' nado in said propos,d improver.--,nt district is th'�,
=tallatlon of a sanjtni.y spnA,,er with necessary app =-to nance s.
S]CTIOt T 3. That the approxiniate cost of said lnprovenents is
$720.00, an approximate cost of �60.00 pear Lot.
S.1,0'11011, 4. 'hat the entire ,cost and ex ..rise, of' ly-prove-
ments, shall. be &ssassed apainst each lot within such district to
be asoessed for thtt nart of the whole cost which lts area bWars;
to thn ,area of the entire district.
S':CTIV 5. That said asoessment shall be raid for in thr�.,o
eq,al ennual installments hereby extended over is perlad of three
Yoars - ;Lief LCSOsSPient shall constitute a fund, to be i1known as
Special. Trqnroverr.,ent District Fund No. 259.
`XT'101: 6. That, said in.proverents, shell be paid. for in
Special D-Jotrict, warrants isswed against, said dis-
triCt in th-. St,irr of t200.00 each, bearing Interest at 4 per r,<arlt
per annur,, from tbr� dnte nf rep-tstretion until called fo-r red!,,T-,,,c-
tion or nald In ful.2.
ST',,*C1-rT0N 7. Ttpt on the lat dny of Tuly 1946, at thn
Ohnr-bsrc- in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, 1iontanR, at
7:30 o'clock P. 1,'. , a regular raeetlnEr, the City,Council will haar
and pass upon all protests that iray bp, mad, t=f,ainst the making of
such iroroirorents or the creation of si;ch eistrict.
S-'CTT0t7 8. The Clity Clerk is hereby authorized. an(` directed
to gAfe the nroner notice of the passage of this resolution by
publient-ion cend mailinp7 as required bly laxy, suell publication to, be
made in the Kalispell Tires, a weakly T)ubl.igh,:,d in the
City of Kalisroll, 1,11ontana.
Passed and approved this 3rd day of June, 1946.
D. S. Cameron
Mayo 1,
Attest- C. H. Brel�,�rer
City Clerk
1, C. TT. Brei.=,er, 01.frrk of' the City of Kalispell do herobY certify
that the above resolutlon was adopted by the Council of said
City at a r,-eting held this 3rd d`�,y of J=,, 1946.
Olty Clerk-o—fthe City of Kalispell, Mcnt