Resolution 1785 - Special Election - Armory Building73 RESOL77I')N N(.') . 178b A qjSOI,TT'1T0I,j (,AL1JFr, A SMCTAL TIM TO "j"171 ^7AL171 11), ',:r,:(T7)T"RT'D '7l7C7OR9 (,),r ;111` CITY OF XALTSP-�LL, 7P-1r) A7171 7A,0A-'-M5 TTPOI,', TI[r,' GOIR`IORATI� LPITTSnr M" 9AM CTTV AN:) WT11 Tt, 0, S" jlj�rj-_' _�T 11 1 AS5iT`38- 7 R 77701, T,T T I T I NflP T� CMTNTY FOR 7,1 X 3 WR T;'1'4' , 1j, OF, I LA 3­A",' AND COTT1,71Y � - Y73AR 1,-�40, TTIT, -77STION OF 11937'TN(-T 13Y 7'IfE CITY OF KALfi'7Ma L TN "TIE 97M OF 1.1b,2oi.00, THE PROC7F�,I)S TIROIl '"IF!" SAL� 0'r SATD TO 971 USED 7OR ­17 PTRCHASTT OF LOT3 T77T7, 7�T'�, 5';771�, ,TC',HT, TNTM, TT'N, vL77M, �ND 7",iTE1:VP 07' UOCK SIXTY-FIVI OTIrIINAL TOVITNSITE OF KAI,131371L, M011TAINA, TO ', , T F ) A 3 A T! " T "I �T�: T, S 1 s sl .� TOR AN AMIORY 9'71D_TNC, TO Bi7R"ICTT�1) 71.-M7HOK, TJ ,7VITC! , . I 7,131SCTTON' 1`3 CALLED PTJT�STTANT T A TTTPTT1ON Fl UiD "71TH1 UI "'Lli"RK OF "'PI-FE CITY OF KAI :TS_ 'PTUL, 3_1(WL11ID T13Y �TOIR7 71';E'1,TY P!",R CE'liTT31,11 OF r,TTALI FI !",I) T OIRS OF SAID CITY, 'M Vi`10 AR-_' TA_,qMA-77-R5 AND 1,77053'] NA7_E`; Arj­+:All TIPON '117TLA.37' COMPL'TP77) A33733i1)= "MA, FOR ST,1'['E JiED COTTId'Iw TA_ES AS TAXI'AY'RS Vil7llh `M_' CITY OF KALISP7LL, R!T IT IV]SOL'I"M T3Y T,111,7, Cl'TV COM,CIL OF T117, CIT7 OF Section 1. '21,nt there has been filed ,uith the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, and presented to the City Council, a petition prayii-�-, thr7t the City Counci I of the City of Kalispell, call and f hold a special election for the purpose of 6ubi,litt-1 nF, to thE, n ual i - fied electors of the City of Kalispell, as defined by law, the proposition of the City of Kal ispell issuinp bonds in the sim of '$lb,250.00, the proceeds from the sale of said bonds to be expended in the purchase of lots numbered five, six, seven, eir.7ht, nine,ten, eleven and twelve in 9lock Sixty-five of the Orilginal To',,vilsite of Kalispell, Montana, to be used ,is a site for ar Arcaory 13uildln-, to be guilt thereon. and the C,runcil has exanIned such T,)etilllon and has made s�ich other trvestiC,itlons rpF_ardin�ll the same as it deer'led necess�iry and has and does hereby find the said petition to be in proper form and bears the requisite number of siF-matures of aualified petitioners and is in all other respects 8ufficlont and the Council h,os determined that it is fnr the best Interests of the C11ty of Kril- ispell, to purchase the said described proparty for the pur-pose of providin7 a site for the erection of an Armory 3uildin-, and that by reason of said petition hereinbefore r,,iontioned, having been duly signed by more than twenty per centurri of the qualified electors of said City who are taxpayers upon property within .3ald City and whose names appe,-,Ar, upon the list c-3'npleted assess -lent roll for State and County taxes as taxpayers wltl-tin said City, the Council of time City ty of Kalispell is empowered and authorized to call a special election for the purr.)ose of sub�iitting, to a vote of said qualified electors the q7iestion of issuing bonds in the amount, ` ierein stated. Section 2. Plat a special election is h:-.relny called to be hold in the City of Kali sppl.l on the Televenth day of January, 1341, bee-1vjo(-,,n the hours of -ten o'clock A.1,!., and seven o'clock 17.11., of ,paid day, at which election ,3hall be t lie re subTaitted to the qualified regis- tered electors of said City, who are taxpayers upon property within the corporate limits of said City, and wa)se names appear upun tho assessMent roll of 1q40 for State and County taxes as taxpayers upon rroperty within said City, the followinr proposition or question: "I Shall the 01 ty of Kali spell issue and sell bond: to the amount of .115,250.00 for the purpose of purchasing, lots mzre rive, 's Y, iibe d f v , i seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven rand Vme.".Lve in 91-ock Sixty-five of the Uri?7inal 'rownsite of Kalispell, -lontana, to be used as I site for the erection of an Ary.rlory JuildinFr thereon, under si-ch conditions as provided by law and the regulations as authorized by the laws of the State ofillontana and the ifnited States of America, rel`ltlng to the construction of Armories; said bonds to draw int�rrest :at trje rate of not to o,­ceed six per centuia por annum, payable se-rai-annually; afaortization b:�nds poyable as provided by law beinF-I the first c1loi(:e and serial "bonds bein7 second choice. Said bonds shall extend over a Leriod of fifteen years from the date thareof, and sha_ll be re- deemable as b Inw nrovi,ded?" &ction 3. Vint the votin,g places at ;,,-Iiich said election .,hall be held are as follows: First ­ard: 7, !,-:1 the, a d AJotor 6,11es DisTpluy "loom Second 's,7ard -ni , rire Room at C, 1 ty TTn-.! 1 T'Lird ',`lard: 3asemcnit of' (;()urt H�Ise The polls, of such election gliall, be open at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day and shall ri,,main and be open until the hour of averi o'clock of the eveninA- of said day; that only qualified, tered electors of said City, v4iase names appear upon the list pre - coding assessruent roll. for State and County taxes Pis taxpayers upon property within the City of Kalispell s`iall be entitled to vote upon the question above stated at said election. S I- ection 4. That the votine_,, at sich special election on the afore- said question sh.,A-1 be by bs,11ots. Such ballats shall be white in color and of convenient size, bein(- only large e4ouSh to contain the prirtinEa thereon in fair-sized, legible type and black ink, in one line or more, as reqt;ired, the word '701111 (stating the proposirion and the terms thereof, explicitly and at length) and thereunder the word "AGAIINST" (otatin!,,-, tlae propositi.on ay)J ty_,rrls in like iianner as above); anj there shall be before the word "FOR" and before the word "ACAINSIT111 each, a snuare space of suffici-ent size to place a plain cross or "XII therein and such arrangeriert shall be in the follovqina7 manner: FOR (statini7, the propositIon) ... : AGAIKST ( strati nF, the preposition) sectiqn .5. That t',ie city c.Iork is hereby authorized and directed to give due and legal notice of the subiqission of said proposition or nuestion and of said election and of the tinge and place: of holding, the same. Such notice shall be posted in each votim^ precinct in said City at least ten days prior to the date for holdim7 such elec- tion ancl must be published once a seek for a period of riot less than. two Oonsc("u.tdve week.s imniedi.Rtely precelinsi,,-, the date for ­�,�ch election s in the Kalispell Times, FA newspaper printed and pub- lished in the City of Alispell, Wntana and in such other newspapers published in the City of Kalispell as the City Clear', inny selyct. 9uch notice Will be in substantially the 11'oiloviim- f'orm: "177107 13 MAW AWTV that a special election will be held in the City of Kalispell, State of hlortana on t he11 , v , ith d fy of ,T-nuary, Iz�41, from ton o'clock in the forenoon until seven 01(:look in the evenina,, of said day-, at which special election there wi-11 be sW)initted to the registered electors of the City of Kalispell, �ihose names appear upon the 19st preceding; qent roll for as s (3 s s Y ,3tate and County taxes as taxpayers upoli propert� y within the said City of Kalisl:ell, to be by such electors voted upon tiie follnwLng) or cuestlon: "91hall Vie City of Kalispell i ssue and sell bonds to the ariount Elf 115,220.00 for the purpose of pijrchasinE;' lots nuriberoa five, six, ton, eleven nnd ti,,velve in 31-ook Sixty-five sever, ei�:7ht, nine, of the DriRinal Townsite of Kalispell, IInntani-j, to be used. as a site for the arechinn of an Armory Mldtng thereon, under such conditions is provided by law and the ations as �,kuthorizcd by the lavis of re�zul the State of lontana and the United States of ViericFq relating to the construction of arnories; saAd )onds to draw interest at t 'lie r,to of riot to exceed six per centum per annuri, payable, semi-annuaily; mmortization bc)nds peyable as provided bi 1MTfi heir (( the f'ir,st (',jIoice, and serial Wnds it aownd choice. Said )unds shall e_xtend over a period of fifteen years from the date thereof and sivall be redeem - as by la-,,v provided'.` "Thevotinr T)l aces at w;,iicln such election ,Aiil lac held Shall he � 7irst AM: 1'1!-,head Iotor `3�alcs Room Second Ward: in City Till T � i i r d `7.a r d : o-isea,ient of C-urt itoiise "Ach voter qualified to vote at SUCII elz�('tior 1` ln-,rel)y 110tifie" to r,nra ata and vote at the pollinR plaoe, of the election pre(c rlct or iv?ard Jn which said -voter resides. "Ay order of the City council.,, City Clerk 75 Which notice stall be proparl, datod and & mled in, the CiQF Clark. Section 6. The City Clerk of the City of KaiisPell Omil cause to be priKed the mwbw' of ballots requirej by _1,M to be USed at said speo,ial ele,(,tiun, Which ballots shall be furnished =1 Qu judqes of spa ij ti,l at the several palling pinces in said nity under the is ' rul e.-'Itions and in jle nj,,j1,rj r as p i r I a a7 ided for in, other elz"ctL)n , s, ti.nd in <ill respects, t"ie' said C erk 'll"�al) with the re, UireMents of the I= of thn Kate of Nntaim Ad the ordinnnoes of the ',xi',,. cud Kalispell ]'e2ative to l;ucll "Iect-ion. ,3ection 7, 'Tiat as soon us the pollo of cj,-,jid spec,,ial he closed, the jud:cc at ouch puwlll'T_ 11--'c , n Said G-Lt"' ""11,111 pro - need to count the 1wilots or votes oast at said special eiecton and make rotu,­ns Go the City Couricil ill 18nner as near as imy be, such as retinns are raade for ut"'Ier elect.'Lons. �1 ' tile e b'�� - _,ect�or, That the; fVInwinn named pemons be ` -A n i n t el .,urd7,eo af sated special election for tile olection precincts as hereirbefore set out "ind sraid jud,�7es act as their own clerks. Firit Ward: 7u"9ge-s: .2'r Ret -Y,3rt 1. Ldnd-,s,;,nr .�Irs. JeLi,.aie .� . 1'iffri tL 3econd harO judRes: fa, W. gimon Qn. Ceoilis 1h CKdOurne Tbirl Ward- JT udges: Trank Pufal'al IV, 1, s . ;'maa caller aectl,nn a. Tlat the City Onuncil of the City of sliuln.uot on tho eleventh day of Anuary, 1941, foliowinp said electlon Tit tile tinur of seven o'clock at the City Hain fim, the puaoso of can- vassing the result of said 3pecial election. Secti)ia 10, That the registrution of the ele"ors of mid city eu- titied to vate at said special election, siiall ",)s Irlad and ,:-i%de in accordance with the laws of the State of ilontnna re].ative to tration for spocial. eiect�.ons in matters of t0iis trod. Section 11. In order to make effectual rmd inac"cal the purmses for this, this resolution is adopted and for th,,a prcviotion o' the peace, health and safety of tais Gity of Kal7spell. it 1.3 hereby de- clared to he an emergency resolution and Wake efll'f,ct an! be in full ",) r c e a - nd effect inmelicitely u?'.;on its ,1a3sra"e and approval. Sootbn 12. That all orclilinnees or parts of ordinances rand all reso- luttons arO parts of resolutions in conf-liet 'no-rewith be and the SaMp are tier'eby repealed. Passed and anproved this 17tft day of Doce�niber, IJ40. Attest,, 7.�T.ROIRTSCMON city Clerk Mayo ,i- 1, F.J, �r,)'oischon, Cl,,,rk of the Gi ty (,) f Kali spell, d o here lby cer t i fy that tile 3_�)ove resolution was ad)pted bY tsar coui)r' I of said City at a meeting hold the I?Ui day of Decen" "k o.",