Resolution 1786 - Urge Legislature to Permit Higher Street LevyR'E,30LTITION N_ 17E36
77T',`REA3, tare returns from the .011 levy for street
and alley purposes in tht City of Kalispell are inadequate
to rointain the streets and alleys in a proper condition
the safety of traffle therein
91 IT by the City Council of the O`ty of
1. Tij%t the Ler°. i slat ure St
ate tate of Fontana sliall
aoend existim laws as would 7erryiit a 1-i!Fher mill levy for
road purunses in cities and irccrporRted towns in the State
of NOW=
2. Wt the laws should be,amended to provide that a
portion of the revenues o0tained from registration fees col-
lected from motor veWQ]E.-,s located within the incorporated
limits of the cities and towns n4" �Montana be s-lvnn to the
city or town treasury for the upkeep of the city or in
s xth re,7istrat'inn fee is collected. Such money is to
be used exHusively on the streets and alleys of such city
oj to,jn, to tuake such streets Lind alleys in a safe corldition
for the traffic tlie-rein.
3. That we i"ge upon. the Le,,, Asse°:ibly of the
�,itate of ,"lon%na fleeting in Tpaivary, 1941, to effect legin-
iation to the endS.
Passed and approved this t)th day of jRnu.,ary, 1941.
0Mayor '711,1 . - I AITS
Attest: n J% R09 "OHON
7,ty Clerk
I, V, T. Rohischon, Clerk of ttie City of Kalispell, do he,reby
certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Coun(,,il of,
said City at a raeetin.7 held the 6ti-L day " A� T,inuai-y, 1A41.
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