Resolution 1838 - Transfers FundsRE SaLtrrr ON raa a z838 SITRY ..A RESOLUTION TF3tLNSF'7�,RRITiG CERTI�IN FtJN1)S III TTIE� CITY TREA BEIT R�'S(?LV?�'?3 BY`I'?-IE t;Z'I'YCOTiPLCIL OP, THE CITY OF K.�iI�ZS�'}4LL:- That t.he following transfer of funds be made, - From Li�htin District #E3 to the Band Fund the sum of $2Ql.C78 Passed and approvecl. this 2nd dc�y of September. 1941. J. S. Cameron i,�€�yar Attest: 0 FI. T3.re+raer City Glerk I, Co H. [3rewer, Clerk of tYj.e City of Kalispell, da hereby certify that the a-bove resolutior, was adopted by the Council of said City at a rae e t in Meld this 2nd day. of -.,September, 1941. rf.rr A IN= Clerk of the' C"I. t y of Kalispell