Resolution 1846 - Resolution of Intent - SID 239M RESOLU'ION 70 1648 :iEsoLuTIONT OF 1711E,,TION TO CRELTE S-FECI,',L D19TRICT 70 .- 23N BE IT RESOLYED BY 1'11E CITY COUNCIL OF 7-E OI-r OF Y-'=S-PELL, '70-7'MuF,i,: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City Of YARSPS11 to cre-te a special impvovanant district, hereby deeigneated as Special Improvement District Ro. 239, and the boundaries of said prUossd special iqwwsMent ?Strict are herepyideclared to be as folio s: Commoncint at a point which is the West property line of the unplatted district north of California St. Z. and east of third avenue Last Northq Addition to. 40 Kalispell Townsite, thence running east on the south property line of said district, a distance of 250 ft. SECTION 2. That the general character of the improvements to be made in said proposed special improvement district, is the installation of a five foot concrete sidewalk and a 6"A"AS" concrete curb, together with 24" Dross walks and 10 ft. concrete driveway and the necessary sidewalk and curb at the corner with necessary appurtenances. SECTION 3. that t1ie approxiinate cost of said impLov&,i--nts is $1100.00. SECTION 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements shall be assessed against each lot within such district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost Mich each area bear:; to the area of the entire district. =TION 5. That said assessment shall be paid for in three equal. annual installnwnts hereby extended over a period of three years. Said asses-ment shall constitute a fund to be known as Social I,movement district No. QV. SECTION 6. That said improvements shall be paid for in Special Improvement District Warrants issued against said district in the sum of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 4 per cant per annum from the date of registration until called for redemption or paid in full. SECTION 7. That on the sixth day of July, 1142, at the Council Chambers A the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Tontana, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., as regular meeting, the. City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvements or tbe creation of such district. SECTION 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publication and mailing as required by law, such publiention to be made in the Kalinpell Times, a weekly newspaper published in the City of ;`Caiispell . Passed and approved this Ist day of June, 1942 D. S. Cameron Nnyor Attest: C. H. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brawer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held V-As 1st day of June, 042. Clerk of -the City of Yalispell—