Resolution 1845 - Resolution of Intent - SID 238'MOU�TOIOTIT OF I:,=TTIO',TO C,iEITE SPECL'.L _1071,77,77 DIST MT Yo . 238 RE IT A3",01,71M BY THM OITY 3017,TC1L OF THE CITY OF 7.,,_LIS7_E-LL, "O'NTA''A_ SECTION 1. That it is the interttion of the City Council of the City of 1"slis,,,ell to create a special improvement district, hereby designated as Special Distriet No. 238, M the bounduries of said proposed sred l imj,:2o-vameat district are hereby decl�rad to be s follows: Tor nencing at a point Mch is the no. prop- erty line of Lot 14, Flock 35 of Tulispell Original Townsite, thence s7uth to the sotth property line of Lot 13, Block 35, thence esst to the east property line of Lot 13, Block 38. SECTION 2. That the general cnaracter of the improvements to be made in said proposed Special Improveaent District is as follows, to -wit: the removal of the present concrete sidewalk and curb and replacing of saarn smith the neces,$s.,ry appurt- enances. SECTION 3, That the approximate cost of said improvements is $M.00. SECTION 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements, shall be assessed eguinst each lot within such district to be assessed for that port of the aholo oost ,�i-_Ach its srea bears to the area of the entire distpict. SECTION 5. That assess',ae.'at shall be paid Par is two equal annual instal- lments hereby extended aver a period of two years. Said asses >aart shall consti- tute x fiz-,d to be known as Special lnaprove-aent District Tund bro. 238. SECTTGN 6. That said improvements shall be paid for in Special InTrovement District Warrants issued against said district in to swn of QlO0XO each, be ins interest A 4 per cent per annum from the Ute of registration until called for redeaTtion or psid in full. SECTION 7. That on the sixth day of July, 1p42, at the Council Chambers in. the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Ycntana, at 7:30 o'clock 0. M., a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that nay be made ags Lnst the jia'idng of such improvements on Ve ere tion of such district. SECTION 8. The City Clerk is herab; authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publication and mailing, as required by law, such publication to be made in the Kalispell Ti7ns, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Kalispell. Passed nnd approved this let day of Tune, IS42 b. S. Cameron 1jay or .attest 0 . 11. Brewer Qity Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Ealiapall, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this Ist day of June, 1542. Cls-r—k of­tte City of Wi8pall