Resolution 1843 - New Time Schedule for City Employees1843 A INTW TLAE SCTITLDULE FOR C17Y AMMOYRM31 3ecause the Congreysof th" Mnited States has passed legi�lation noverning all Federal hgencies placing tham, on a now tiy,,ie schedule to be known as 11 War Time" -97t IT RBSOL'D 13Y 7171, CIVY COUNCIL 07 THrl, CITY OF KALISTIEIML, that effective at 2 A. 1,1. February 4, 1942 all departments and arUplOyee3 Of the Ci t, of Kalispell slrallbe governed by this new schedule and shrill cause all clock and time pieces to be advanced one hour ahead of ',resent Standard TL,,ae. Passed and approved this end day of February*, 19412 D. S. Cameron Mayor Attest: C. H. "Bre-wer City Clerk I-, C. It. -9re,,,ver, Clerk of the City of Kali spell, do hereby certify tliiit the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a r,ieetin�� held thils 2nd , day of February, 1942. C-lerl, of the City or Kalispell