Resolution 1836 - Budget - SalariesM R7SOLUTIOE NO. 18,56 A RMSOLT'TION FT:UNG TGIF iTTDq7,,-, FOR TlrE FISCAL YTPA'R 1�41-42 BE IT PHSOLV131D BY THE CITY COTTNCIL OF T1117 CITY OF KjiLI7,ELL, MOST EA: Section 1. That the budget for the fiscal year 1941-42 shall be as follows: General Fund City council Salaries and WaUes $1632.00 Maintenance and Operation 2B.00 $1660.00 City Clerk Salaries and Wages 1750l00 Maintenance and Operation 200.00 iliscellaneous 100.00 2050.00 City Treasurer Salaries Find Wages 1450.00 Maintenance and Operation 150.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 1800.00 City "PInvineer Salaries and Wages 1700.0O Maintenance and operation lbO.00 Miscellaneous 00.00 l�oo. U0 City Attorney Salaries and Wages 900.00 Maintenance and Operation 10.00 10.00 Police Court Salaries and 71ages 970.00 1,1aintenance and Operation bO. C)O :rurors and Witnesses 50.00 1070.00 Police Department Salaries and Wages 12600.00 Maintenance and Operation 2350.00 I'liscellaneaus 650.00 1+aergency Warrants 246.01 15846.01 Pound Salaries and Vlages 400.00 Maintenance and Operation 50.00 450.00 Fire Departz.,ient Salaries and Wages 13332.03 MRintenance find Operation 64,115.00 Dorni to ry 175.00 Miscellaneous 1125.00 Emergency warrants 242.97 15500.00 City Hall Salaries and Wages 30. 00 Maintenance and Operation 1375.00 Li Seel I an ooUs 60.00 1465.00 Elections I ,,PriierCency Warrants 165.34 18b.34 State Salaries and Vlar,Ies 200.U0 Emergency Warrants 50.00 250.00 Accident Insurance Premiums 2500.00 25()0.00 Board of Health Salaries and lages (jou.00 Maintenance and Operation 30 0. 0 0 T,,Uscellaneous lbo.58 13bO.bB Street Lightin,-, [Taintentince and Operation $3700.00 $3700.00 General Expense Salaries and Idages lb40.00 Maintenance and Operation 1065.75 Viscellaneous 931.26 7i,mergency T.,VRrrants 81.44 3618.45 Contingent Fund Hydrant Rental 6000.00 6000.00 Street Fund Oeneral Street TIOLi n te nano. e Salaries and Wages 6000.00 1,faintenance and Operation 1150.00 &,ierfreney warrants il O B. i)B Sewerage Disposal Plant INtA,-,es and Salaries 2b40.00 Miaintenance and Operation 500.00 11388)8 Warehouse T,TaAntenance and Operation 700.00 M I iSCellan0OU3 100.00 800.00 Aviation Fund Salaries and ',,'Iaf-es 1()0.()0 Maintenance and Operation 50.00 1,"i scellaneous 170.00 320.00 Sinking and Interest Fund Funding Bonds, Principal 5000.1110 Funding 3onds, interest 950.00 Water Bonds, T.Raftinded 6219.64 14169.64 Library Fund Salaries and Wages 3630.00 Llaintenance and Operation 3295.00 TPliergency ',,Varrants 2.JO 6927.90 Water Works Fund Salaries and 77at.,es 14360.00 %Iaintenance rind Operation 2,BOO.00 ,Mscellaneous 36360.00 CbLpitai 7xpense 1O000.00 63b20.00 Sand Fund saiuries and Wages 2400.00 Maintenance and Operation 1. 6G. UO 2550.00 Park Fund Salaries and Wa�, ,es 6660.00 ,"lainteriance and Operation 2640.00 T+11argency warrants 4690.64 13990.84 �A�iergency Relief '!mer,f,ency VhArrunts ?bQQ.QQ 7500.00 Police Pension Police Pensions 1200.00 1200.00 r"019; RPM R7C API 7-ILATT ONT ("oneral Fund $b4,2,bb.38 "street Fund 12,188.9B Library 6,027.90 Park 13,9)JU.84 Band 2,550.0Q Sinking and Interest 14,16-d.64 Aviation 320.00 Contimcmnt 6,000.00 P,Iriergerlcy Relief 7,b0.00 Police Pension 1,200.00 Water Works 63,520.00 To tai $ 182,622.74 ESTIMATED R7V T TE 3 Police 500.00 Police Court 3000.00 Fees arid Permits J50.00 Licenses 6200.00 Library 700.00 Street 2?00.0C General Revenue 1106100 Rentals 27boo.00 'interest 360.00 Parks 3775.00 Aviation ?5.00 Water Department 62100.00 $ 108'o68.00 Passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, this iith day of 1941. Approved by the layor this litli day of AUE7ust, 1741. D. S. Cameron VUY0 r Attest: C. "'. Brevier 1, C. 11. 13rewer, Clerk of the Clity of Kalispell, do hereby cer- tify that the, above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City tat a meetiri,7 I nnid tilis i1th day of August, 1941. Cie..-k of the City of Kalispell