Resolution 1848 - Resolution of Intent - SID 24199.: RE � ESOLITTIO17 NO RESOLUTION OF INT_E,,TI0N TO C . 'IRF,= SPFC LIL IMPROVERVM7 DISTRICT NO 241 BE IT IRESOLVCD BY 'TEE CITY COMICIL OF THE CITY OF MILISPELL, MCIM,"li: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement district, hereby dasigxiated as Special Inprovemffit District No. 241, and the boundaries of said pro7poso3 inftpro-761raent district are hereby declared to be as follows: Comnencing at a point YLiah is the noa.,th p,-,­Qperty line of Lot 24, Block 25 of Kalispell Original Townsite, thence runpin,,,- south to a point vLich is the sot)-th -,,,,roperty line of Lot 13, Block 25 and at a point which is the south property line of Lot 13, Block 2.5 thence s,­.Iut!r along -the east property line of Main St. across the Great 1vortheryi iailway Co. i°itght-cf­ziay to the intersection of the present passenger depot's concrete platfoa7m. SECTION 2. That the general c1aaractar of the iml-rovenientg to be ,,,,iade in sad proposed special improvement district is as follows: that the property included be- tween Lots 13 and 24 incllisi,�e of Block 25 shall have an eight foot concrete side- walk and d11xV1xl811 concrete curb,. together with necessai�f ap, ' �urtenWaes, and that the property included in the Great Northerzi Railway Co.'s right-of-way shall have an eight foot oil raix sidevalk nd shall ira-_Iude the remnval of and replacement of the present approach to -the Forest Service warehouse, together with necessary appurtenances. SECTION 3. That t'-e approximate cost of the first section of said irl-rove- ments is 4,1200.00 and that the a proxi�,,,te cost of the second section is 1500.00. ShOTION 4. That the entire cost a"d expense of such izaprove,aaents shall tie assessed al,minst aacla lot within such sections to be asc-essed for that part of the whole cost which each urea bears to the area of the ertiie section. That tl_e er)tire cost and expense of said sections shall be the cost of the entire district. SECTION 5 ,. That said assessc�,jent "a paid for in two equal annual instal- Imants hereby extended over a period bf tjfo years. Said assessment shall consti- tute a fund to be known as Special Improvement District Fund No. 241. SECTION 6,. That said improvements shall be paid for in Special ImproverBnt District Warrants issued against said district in the sum of 100.00 each, hearing interest at 4 per cent per aariulq from the date of i�gistration until called for rede-niption or paid in full. SECTION 7.. That on the sixth day of July, 1�42, at the Council C;ha.,',Ib--rs in the City Hall of tyre City of �� ,a jispell, t,Qr,t,na, at 7:30 o'clock 7. M., -a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the �,nakirl� of such im-prOvemalits or the creation of such -district. SECTION 9,. The City "lark is here' , y authorized uthorized and directed to give the Proper notice Of t',;e passage Of this resolution by publication and. mailing as required by law,, such publication to be made in the Kc isPell Ti-ties, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Kalispell. Passed and approved this ist dzL7,,,, of June, 194_',,,. Cn.iercm �%yor Attest:- CH. Brea,,,er City Clerk C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Ka -ell, -ell, do hereby certify that the ahov,_- resolution ivas adoPted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 1st day of Julie, 1942. Qler4 of the City of pell