Resolution 1679 - Vacates a Portion of Second Ave EMI,30IPTT0N No. 1679 T 7TON VACATU`7 THAT 70IRTION 074 7�TtCOID AV-T-U'T EIIST R . ,17 SO LTT Tj', C3OT7ITI LU7, 0- `TRST 3TTiV,,T A!,-.) '71, NOIRTTI L11,- n-" �3ECO1,1D STREET. I- 3Y IT; COTT,,'C' L OF "I"!, ClTv OF KALISPUL: TITTPIR7AS, as q petition signed by seventy-five per cant of the lot ownars on the whole of Second Avenue East was presented to the City ",ounc 11 and a notice thereof was published Lind rosted in the manner provided by Iavi, in which notice it was stated that the City Council would act upon said petition at its re(rular rieeting to be he] d on the 6th day of 'larch, 1939, and t ii s bein-- the time fixed in said notice as aforesaid, and no protests havin,- been made against the vacating, of said avenue, ind the council considerin7 the same and dee,,ninrT that said portion of saaid avenue may be discontinued without detri-,-�ent to the public interest and that it is advisable to r�Iose the same for school purposes, therefore -314' TT T,7,3OLV-7i), that the portion of second Ivenue East between the South line of "Irst -treet and the !dorth line of Second otroet be, and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as an avenue of the rite of �alispell. TInari'amusly adopted by the City Council and approved b,r the Ilayar this 6tli day of Tlarch, 1:)39. F. 0. Mayo r Attest: 11. �T. 7.07319,C70N - c 1 t � f- ---, --- I, -. T. liobischon, (,'Ierk of, the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution ,arras re7ularly adopted by tile Council of se id (;jty at a Tqoctin� held the 6th dray of March, 19310.