Resolution 1684 - Intent to Exclude Propertyhu. 1684 rN ve I kp-qm THAT TM1D-,_'RF1,A6, there was filed with the City Clerlc of the City oil' Kalispell, a netition ait-ned by -,,iore than t1iree-Paurths, in vPillue of the territory sought to be excluded from the: 1.)oundarios Of the City of Kalispell and that said Toetition prayed for the exclusion from the boundaries of the Citil of Xal.U-r, L11 the fn1lowing descried property, to -wit: Ccmaencin�; at a point ,,4ohere the center line 3f Jeventh. .�,t.eat West intersects the western boundry line of the corporate limi.ts of the Cit,,7 o-l' Tralispell as now established and continuimu, from therace we 3terly alom� the oanter lir,:-, ')f 3eventll Str_,,ot 1,ieit to its inter- section with the center li-ne of Tenth Avenue Viest as the place of be.rinninr; from ttiance westerly the Conter line of 9'eventh 3treet Ilest to the center line of 71_eventh <Jvenue Wpst; thence southerly alone; the center line of Eleventh Avenue 'Neot to the ceri- ter line of Eig _,htl,i Sue ',Vest; thence, easterly along the center line of Ei,(rlith 6treet 'Rest to the center line of Tenbil sivenue Yiest; thence nort11er]-Y 21ODe- the center line of 7onth !,vonue ',,,Test to the place of be_:;innin�� ' ; said desori,)tian inolude,5 fill. ,)!' the lOts in Block h1mriber Four of the 'li-.h ,3chool -dollition to t',.ie Townsite of Kalispell, "Iortann, according to the plat of said Townsito and til- ditions thereto or, file in the ol"'ice"of the County Clerk and Ree I I order of Flathead County, liontara. And that the boundaries daries of the City be changed so as to exclude the said above mentioned and above described property. TTJ.T„-_1311'0'2:34 3E' IT iFSOLVED, upon the exar_ijnation of Said petition the City Council, of the City of Kalispell finds, that said petition is sir ned by the owners of not less than Viree-fourths In valkle of the territory prayed to be excluded and 1.'urther finds that the territory petitioned to be excluded is with -in the corporate linits Of the City of Kalispell and on the border tliereof; and further finds that the renting Of said petition will be t',) the best in- terests of the �_, ity of Yali - spell and inhabitants tliereof; and further finds that i t will not the 3ynetry of the said City of Kalispell. AND R"', IT FTITRT.'I':R i!ESOIIVM that t'lla City Clerk be and is '�tereby instructed to cause to be published in the newspaper nearest to such territory petiti(Tned to be excludOd, tit least once q week for two successive weeks, a notice which shall be to the effect that said resolution has been duly and regularly Passedand that for a period of twenty (20) days after the first'publi3ritinn o" such notice, "Oh City Clarke Will receive ex-)re3sions of approval or disaPPrOvall in writing, of the proposed al terations of the bound- aries Of said GJtY of Kalispell by the exclusion oV the to-r-ritory petitioned to be (.'xcluded froTa the owmrs of the territory pro- posed to be excluded. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell this 5th daY Of Jlaly, 1939 and signed by the 111,-iyor thereof. 0. 71TT,1;Ti!n fa _YO r AtteSt: F. T. R09DSCJON ty Clerk 1, F. J. Robischon, Clerl, of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was re�­O,arly adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held the fifth day of July, Oe of TH j City 0 f KRIJ spell