Resolution 1681 - Transfers FundsT"I Ojq 1, ],
T " T,-I C'-:'n-IATI, 'Tj„)13 Tl,,,' '-TT, C ,77-7TTY -7 7
T7 97 IFIT',� CITY C'JTTII,CIL O��' -11`. CIT" 07
�ri!A the 'follo,,wi IF transfer ol. funds be ii.ade
the Gver-pRyruent &- Ad.iaitnent -Pund to Special. D!jtrict
ho. 30, the sum of i'I'I1,5,j.28.
Paused and approved this 2,3rd day of
0 VT I , 1, L ,"J 'IS
F'. 7-. P�09j3CITON
"ity clirk
T. !Robi6c-lon, Clerk o" City Of Kalispell, do lierel)y certi-
fy thnit the above resolution was rel^'Jslly adonte-I b,, tine Council OJ
SuiO (,i tAr 11 t ri nF»t " nr, hPI ,I 11i� '�7,Y"ti " - " , '7 1.)